

deprived of enrolment
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In the average county, 226.8 people joined MA annually and 149 disenrolled. The average monthly payment in constant 2008 dollars was $656.
For each year of data, selected beneficiary, MA plan, and market descriptors were regressed on the following dichotomous dependent variables: (1) whether or not a beneficiary voluntarily disenrolled from a GHO (n=approximately 100,000 spells annually); (2) whether a voluntary disenrollee transferred to FFS Medicare or re-enrolled in another or the same GHO within 60 days (n=approximately 15,000 spells annually); (3) whether or not a beneficiary made two or more health plan elections in a CY (n=300,000 beneficiaries annually); and (4) whether or not a beneficiary's election would have been prohibited if the lock-in rules had been in effect (n=approximately 35,000 elections annually).
First, we estimated a model for patients who disenrolled within 2 weeks of enrolling with hospice (i.e., "early disenrollment") compared with patients who were enrolled with hospice for at least 2 weeks and remained with hospice until death.
Beneficiaries are excluded from followup if they were involuntarily or voluntarily disenrolled from their plan, or were deceased prior to the 2-year followup survey.
(2002) found that 33-50 percent of children disenrolled at their first redetermination in the states with active renewal processes; in contrast, they found that 5 percent of children in the FHKP disenrolled at redetermination under the passive renewal process.
Beneficiaries are excluded from followup 2 years later if they disenrolled from their plan (voluntarily disenrolled), if their plan no longer has a contract in place at the time of followup (involuntarily disenrolled), or for reason of death.
We ran several sensitivity analyses to assess the robustness of our results, including analyses using a control group from the OHP "Plus" population, analyses for individuals accessing both the mental health and substance abuse benefit; analyses stratified by previous benefit use; analyses of expenditures by different service areas (e.g., inpatient versus outpatient); and comparisons of characteristics among individuals who disenrolled versus those who maintained enrollment.
They found that those who disenrolled to FFS were more likely to be disabled, Medicaid-eligible, older, and to be recent enrollees.
A child was considered disenrolled only if he or she was not enrolled in any public health insurance program for at least 2 consecutive months.
Concern arose that evaluating health plans by surveying only their enrolled membership would not be accurate, because the members who are most dissatisfied with the plan have disenrolled and are no longer eligible for the survey (U.S.
(2) In the KidsCare program, children have eligibility periods of 12 months but are disenrolled from the program if premiums are more than 2 months past due.
Kaiser and HOI both met the enrollment goals with Kaiser ultimately enrolling a total of 1,649 beneficiaries and HOI enrolling a total of 967 beneficiaries (including, for both sites, those who later disenrolled or died).