

the act of depriving enrolment
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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We assess interunit (plan level) and internal consistency reliability (at the beneficiary and plan levels) and the criterion validity (at the beneficiary and plan levels) of the composites used to summarize beneficiary reasons for disenrolling from MA plans and PDPs.
Then there are the reports Chokshi has received about people disenrolling from WIC, even though it's also not subject to the public charge rule change.
It discusses banishment in general and in indigenous nations; the rise of the term AaAaAeA enrollmentAaAaAeA from the mid-1800s to early 1900s; the 1930s Indian New Deal era and the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act; the rise of Native nationalism and tribal sovereignty in the wake of federal policies of termination, relocation, and Public Law 280; specific Native nations that are disenrolling or banishing citizens and the factors involved; how indigenous and federal courts have addressed cases; and implications of these policies and actions for indigenous nationhood, citizenship, and the status of Native individuals in their own land and in the US, as well as reform ideas.
Depending on the facts in question, the USMA must hold a misconduct hearing, honor investigation hearing, or conduct investigation before disenrolling a cadet.
Average monthly payments for rapid disenrollees (those who had been enrolled only 1-3 months before disenrolling) were closer to predicted payments (actual/predicted=1.15).
Even if the retiree doesn't disenroll and keeps his paid Tricare Prime enrollment, he should consider disenrolling the activated Reserve spouse so the Tricare records don't show two different enrollments for the Reserve member when she picks up her own entitlement.
(Clinics affiliated with abortion providers were to be disenrolled between May 1 and May 15.) Less than 24 hours later, Attorney General Greg Abbott successfully filed an appeal in the Fifth Circuit that granted the state an emergency stay - meaning the health department could start disenrolling clinics.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of opting out compared with disenrolling?