dialysis machine

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Noun1.dialysis machine - a medical instrument for separating substances in solution by unequal diffusion through semipermeable membranesdialysis machine - a medical instrument for separating substances in solution by unequal diffusion through semipermeable membranes
artificial kidney, hemodialyzer - a machine that uses dialysis to remove impurities and waste products from the bloodstream before returning the blood to the patient's body
medical instrument - instrument used in the practice of medicine
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Through the home dialysis service, we provide each patient his own home dialysis machine, which in turn, reduces the risk of infection.
Due to non-availability of a dialysis machine with a mobile RO plant, the staff faces difficulties in shifting a patient on mobile ventilator from the ICU to the dialysis centre.
Dialysis Machine - CC via Wikimedia Commons/Irvin calicut CAIRO - 30 April 2019: The Ministry of Health and Population will replace and renew dialysis machines and water systems at 400 hospitals across the country, Treatment Sector Head Mostafa Ghanima said on Tuesday.
The team expressed concern over the universal company's failure to functionalize the machines as the dialysis machine and others are out of order since past few months but no step has been taken for the repair of these machineries for welfare of the masses.
Summary: Renal failure leads to patients waste their large amount of time regularly in being tethered to a dialysis machine. For patients with the end-stage renal disease, most of their life revolves around dialysis schedules.
In his brief talk, the DC thanked nazims for their efforts in arranging dialysis machine for Chakdara hospital and said with installation of this facility a long-standing demand of the people has been fulfilled.
[USPRwire, Tue Mar 19 2019] Renal failure leads to patients waste their large amount of time regularly in being tethered to a dialysis machine. For patients with the end-stage renal disease, most of their life revolves around dialysis schedules.
Qatar Charity has provided the Indonesian Hospital of Gaza with a dialysis machine. In support of health services in Gaza, Qatar Charity (QC) provided a kidney dialysis machine to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Indonesian Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip in co-operation with the Palestinian Ministry of Health.
Tribune News Network Doha In support of healthcare services in Gaza Strip, Qatar Charity (QC) provided a kidney dialysis machine to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Indonesian Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip in cooperation with the Palestinian Ministry of Health.
LANDI KOTAL -- Relatives of kidney patients asked the FATA health department to functional the dialysis machine in agency headquarter hospital, Landi Kotal that has been placed in the hospital store room useless for the last six years.