

 (dī-ăl′ə-jĭst, dī′ə-lô′gĭst, -lŏg′ĭst)
1. A writer of dialogue.
2. One who speaks in a dialogue.

di′a·lo·gis′tic (dī′ə-lə-jĭs′tĭk), di′a·lo·gis′ti·cal adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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He said survival ratio of kids suffering from rare metabolic disorders is very low as there was no dialogistic, treatment and other facilities available in public and private sector hospitals.
This study introduces a dual-phase apparent diffusion coefficient modeling that may improve the dialogistic performance of traditional ADC in breast cancer.
Many of the expressions in the speeches are bare assertions that present the authorial voice without reference to any external voice, thus presenting the propositions in the expressions as unilateral without any "dialogistic alternative which need to be recognized or engaged with" (Martin & White, 2005:99).
Chambers (1983) refined a dialogistic tool to test student perceptions of scientists through a drawing exercise--the Draw-A-Scientist Test (DAST), finding that students drew increasingly stereotypical images of science as they progressed through the grades.
The engagement system acknowledges a dialogistic backdrop where communication is dichotomised into monoglossias and heteroglossias.
1970 "God or the Absolute in the Religions: Introductory Note", Religions: Fundamental Themes for a dialogistic Understanding, Editrice Ancora, Roma, pp.
The Heterogloss position is further subdivided, depending on the amount of Expansion or Contraction of the dialogistic space, a position of maximal Expansion being adopted when a proposition is Entertained, (16) and one of maximal Contraction when a proposition is Denied.
In tune with recent scholarship's 'leaving behind' the 'restrictive' category of the Bildungsroman, the text is viewed as a dialogistic archive of specialist discourses, revealing its genetic origin amid the social power positions it records.
The translator is a second author and shares as much of the responsibility as the original author; the translator is engaged in a dialogistic relationship with the original text--privileging what should be seen and rejecting any irreverence to obscurity.