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Related to decani: Cantoris


adj, adv
(Music, other) music to be sung by the decanal side of a choir. Compare cantoris
[Latin: genitive of decānus]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Al-Otaibi, in his statement to the UNSC session, expressed concern at emerging tensions between the Serb Orthodox Church and the Kosovo Government due to construction in the region of Visoki Decani, located in western Kosovo.
Ivanic also visited the Monastery of Visoki Decani where he met with Iguman Sava Janjic and talked about life in the monastery and the problems they face, stated the BiH Presidency.
By the end of 2013, the Kosovo Police assumed responsibility for eight properties, while KFOR retains only the Decani Monastery under its protection.
* Ted, my tenor counterpart on the decani, (1) kneels during the prayers while everyone else in the choir stands.
Decreto Exc.mi Decani diei 20 ianuarii 2014 collegium septem Iudicum constitutum est.
At issue are Serbian allegations that Kosovo has failed to protect Serbian cultural and religious sites on its land, including four on UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites -- the Gracanica and Decani monasteries, the patriarchal complex in Pec/Peje, and the Church of the Virgin of Ljevisa.
The text structure based instruction has been researched extensively since 1975 (Meyer, 1975; Meyer, Brandt, and Bluth 1980; Meyer, Middlemiss, Theodorou, Brezinski, McDougall, and Bartlett 2002; Meyer, Wijekumar, Middlemiss, Higley, Lei, Meier, and Spielvogel 2010; Williams, Hall, Lauer, Stafford, DeSisto, and deCani 2005; Williams, Stafford, Lauer, Hall, and Pollini 2009) and has received considerable attention with the adoption of the Common Core State Standards by many states.
In addition to limited exposure, expository text is challenging because it typically addresses complicated or abstract content about which students have limited background knowledge (Williams, Hall, Lauer, Stafford, DeSisto, & deCani, 2005; Williams et al., 2007).
Pro hujusmodi volunt esse et sunt eclesiarum praepositi, decani, archidiaconi, episcopi, archiepiscopi.
Decani et Capituli sanctae ecclesiae Toletanae, Hispaniarum et Indiarum primatis.
The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), a network of editors, media executives and leading journalists in South East Europe and an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), strongly condemns the alleged mistreatment of a reporter and cameraman working for KohaVision in Decan/ Decani in Kosovo, by Lieutenant Sejde Krasniqi.
The proud and dedicated Italians, however, protected the fourteenth century Monastery at Decani, vowing not to evacuate their post and defend the lives of the monks, as well as the precious property, which was designated a world heritage site in 2004.