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a drug that is used to relax or loosen the muscles
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In a research model looking at skeletal muscle development in chick embryos, exposure to decamethonium bromide resulted in muscle degeneration characterized by reduced or missing myofibrils as well as significantly decreased myosin protein expression (Macharia et al., 2004).
Depolarizing agents mimic the effect of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, and these include succinylcholine and decamethonium. Normally, when acetylcholine binds to the acetylcholine receptor on muscle cells, the channel opens for a very short duration because acetylcholinesterase rapidly degrades the transmitter in the perijunctional area.
Sea urchin tube feet are known to contain muscles that contract in response to acetylcholine, and contraction of isolated tube feet can be inhibited by the application of nicotinic acetylcholine antagonists such as hexamethonium and decamethonium (Florey et al., 1975).
Distinguishing between haloperidol's and decamethonium's disruptive effects on operant behavior in rats: Use of measurements that complement response rate.
Most common triggering agents are volatile anaesthetic gases such as halothane, sevoflurane, desflurane, isoflurane, enflurane or the depolarizing muscle relaxant suxamethonium and decamethonium. Other drugs that have been suspected of causing MH include catecholamine, phenothiazine and MAO inhibitors.
Briefly, mice were anesthetized, intubated, and respirated at a rate of 120 breaths/min with a constant tidal volume (0.2 mL) and paralyzed with 25 mg/kg decamethonium bromide 72 hr after final allergen challenge.
They described the depolarizing nature of the block seen with succinylcholine which had previously been seen with decamethonium and large doses of acetylcholine.