classified information

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classified information

Official information that has been determined to require, in the interests of national security, protection against unauthorized disclosure and which has been so designated.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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PDRM Head of Corporate Communications Datuk Asmawati Ahmad said the police have recently detected the circulation of classified information through text messaging app WhatsApp by certain quarters.
But in prosecuting Assange for soliciting classified information from Manning and then disseminating it, the Justice Department has adopted a legal theory that could potentially make criminals of many conscientious reporters who cover defence and national security.
A three-year travel restriction that applies to government officials who have had access to classified information but have already left their posts has been extended to six years, under a law amendment that was passed in the Legislature Tuesday.
The order to carry out the investigation has been made after the prosecution has gathered more evidence on the case and in connection to the existence of the basis for suspicion of committed criminal offenses - abuse of office or powers, disclosure of classified information, and giving false testimony.
Much classified information!" Trump said in an earlier tweet on Tuesday night.
The clarification came after a statement from a French Ministry official highlighted that an agreement had been signed between the two countries to protect classified information.
"What is very important is that if he works with classified information, he will have to have a certificate for classified information but in keeping with the legislation I doubt he could be issued a certificate granting him access to classified information because there are closely defined criteria as to who can be issued a security certificate," Dimovski said.
President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbai Jeenbekov has ratified the Protocol on making amendments to the CSTO agreement on mutual ensuring safety of the classified information dated 18 June 2004.
File - ousted president Mohammed Morsi CAIRO- 8 March 2018: Cairo Criminal Court postponed the retrial of 22 defendants of the Muslim Brotherhood, including ousted president Mohammed Morsi and supreme guide Mohamed Badei, until April 9, over charges of espionage and divulging classified information about the country's national security.
NEW YORK -- Under pressure over his handling of abuse allegations against a top aide, White House chief of staff John Kelly on Friday ordered sweeping changes in how the White House clears staff members to gain access to classified information, acknowledging that the administration "must do better" in how it handles security clearances.
Elgeyo Marakwet county government will crack the whip on officials leaking classified information to the public, Governor Alex Tolgos warned yesterday.

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