careers master

careers master

(Education) a male teacher who gives pupils advice and information about careers
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When I went to see the careers master at school and told him that I wanted to be a car designer he was quite dismissive and said: "What do you want to go into that for?
"Just at the time we were filling in our UCCA forms to go off to university, the careers master took ill which left us with a problem.
A chat with the careers master at his school led him into banking, in a modest way, and he decided not to follow his contemporaries to university.
WHIRLWIND Andrew Flintoff was told by his careers master to forget any thoughts of ever making it as a professional cricketer.
I cannot recall my Careers Master mentioning Tycoonship as a career option to me.
He says his careers master told him to become a policeman.
I once told my careers master at school that I wanted to be a professional footballer.
His big night was a real McGregor's gathering because his family - including proud dad Jim, a careers master at Morrison Academy, Crieff - attended the all- star event.
"When I was 15 I told the careers master that I wanted to be a professional footballer.
But not all Ainsley's teachers got it right, as he explains: "When I went to my careers master and told him I wanted to be a chef, he said: 'You're far too bright for that Harriott!'"
Before you leave school, consult your careers master. This boy didn't - ``Jungle King'' Tony Blackburn recalling seeing a photograph of himself pinned up in his old school, Millfield, bearing that caption.
At school, the 5ft 4in star told her careers master that her ambition was to be famous.