careers adviser

careers adviser


careers advisor


careers counselor

(Education) a person trained in giving vocational advice, esp in secondary, further, or higher education
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Speak to teachers and course tutors or talk to your careers adviser who will be in most schools and colleges on results day.
TEAMWORK: Marc Thomas, aged 15, has a chat with Coventry & Warwickshire careers adviser Paul Jones.
With him at the school was Chris Ward, careers adviser at the Coventry Royal Navy careers office, who spoke to the pupils about the opportunities of a career in the Navy.
FOOTBALL hardman-turned-actor Vinnie Jones today took on a new role - as careers adviser.
Samrita Hayer, careers adviser at the National Careers Service Exam Results Helpline, said: "Exam results day can cause anxiety for both young people and their parents alike, which is why it's really important to make sure they are seeking proper advice from the experts about what their results mean for them and what to do next.
Kathryn Aviss, SDS careers adviser, added: "We are able to support young people to take a step back and realise that no matter the results, they have options."
SDS careers adviser Fiona Lafferty said: "These sessions will give people easier access to help and support from SDS, reaching people who may never have accessed our services before."
But their significance should not be underestimated and concerns raised today by a careers adviser and public services union Unison are a stark reminder of the many challenges being faced on a daily basis in Wales.
Jayne Barnacle Davies If the careers adviser gave the correct advice it would be something.
Major Graeme Hynds, senior careers adviser at the Army Careers Centre in Middlesbrough, said the headset "allows potential recruits to experience the sights and sounds of what life is like in the Army, and discuss with staff the career opportunities available."
Careers adviser and organiser Lynda Mitchell said: "It is so important that they can talk to employers directly to get a real insight into what they do and what a typical day is like in their job.