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Since then, she started the project with conventional styles and used embellishments, such as the use of Swarovski crystals, drawing further inspiration from the fashion sense of confident, career-minded Muslim women who value simplicity, practicality and comfort combined with elegance and glamour.
The FTS aviation bonus (AvB) program, consisting of the aviation department head retention bonus (ADHRB) and ACRB, is designed as an incentive for highly talented, hardworking, career-minded naval aviators and naval flight officers to choose to remain for a post-command commander tour.
In an increasingly credential conscious world, career-minded individuals have deluded themselves into thinking that falsifying their qualification is justified because they have earned it after paying hefty fees for the certification - no matter how fraudulent or illegal it is.
NOW is the time for career-minded young people to turn their thoughts to The Skills Show, an extravaganza of great ideas, advice and information which takes place at the NEC Birmingham every year.
It has been seen as an attempt to put before Iranians a Washington that's riddled with corruption and crawling with career-minded politicians.
"With Jane and her new job, and Maura as well, we're dealing with two independent women who have been very career-minded and who are leaving after seven seasons unmarried, with no children.
They are looking talented, career-minded people their manufacturing facility.
She points out that childless and single women often get read as being too "career-minded," when in fact careers might not be the thing that such women sacrificed motherhood for.
Women politicians, who are naturally career-minded, may not stop to think that surprisingly there are mothers out there who wish to be at the school gate and/or at home to welcome their children.