canal boat

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canal boat

1. (Navigation) a long narrow boat used on canals, esp for carrying freight
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.canal boat - a long boat that carries freight and is narrow enough to be used in canalscanal boat - a long boat that carries freight and is narrow enough to be used in canals
boat - a small vessel for travel on water
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References in classic literature ?
It still continued to rain heavily, and when we went down to the Canal Boat (for that was the mode of conveyance by which we were to proceed) after dinner, the weather was as unpromising and obstinately wet as one would desire to see.
The famous regiment, with so many of whose officers we have made acquaintance, was drafted in canal boats to Bruges and Ghent, thence to march to Brussels.
Them canal boats is what you may call the wooden walls of England."
CANAL boat enthusiasts took advantage of the late summer sunshine to enjoy a fun-filled weekend "messing about" on the water.
But the speed boats will attract Ms Hobley's attention - despite her recent screen canal boat holiday with Street romeo Des Barnes.
A MAN was killed today when a fire and explosion ripped through a canal boat moored near a Staffordshire marina.
Daniel Newton, David Murphy, Jordan Harvey and Grant Hartley, all members of the Nessie Club based at Runcorn's Canal Boat Adventure Project, took a United Buddy Bear, a peace bush and poems.
Which is why the University of Birmingham academic today unveiled the first ever zeroemission hydrogen hybrid canal boat at The Mailbox.
TESCO has come under fire from angry canal boat owners who say discarded shopping trolleys could scupper their vessels.
But the volunteers with the Canal Boat Adventure Project in Runcorn refused to be beaten.
This is how I ended up volunteering for Canal Boats for Disabled People (TheVale of Llangollen Canal Boat Trust).
Birmingham Repertory Theatre's spring production, Box, is staged on a canal boat.