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1. Scot an old man
2. Irish a mysterious and malevolent spirit, often appearing as a premonition of death or disaster
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It takes in four Munros, An Gearanach, Stob Coire a' Chairn, Am Bodach and Sgurr a' Mhaim.
Ach, a dh' aindheoin sin aig ceann rathaid eile choinnich sinn ri bodach a tha direach air gluasad a-steach dhan aite agus e lan dochais.
The Smartwool Tigh nam Bodach Ultra Run will take place in Glen Lyon on November 30.
Elsewhere on the Bodach Park showground, the shearing competitions attracted 50 competitors who sheared a phenomenal 1,000 sheep - not a bad afternoon's work!
The protagonists are at opposite ends of the continuum of life; the Bodach, Gaelic for old man, who served as a mentor to his young neighbor, Donald Campbell, was gentle, wise and mysterious.
On this Halloween, Odd spots a bodach, an evil spirit that looks like a black blob.
Reported by: CW Shepard, MD, K Gallagher, MPH, SD Bodach, MPH, A Kowalski, MPH, AS Terzian, PhD, E Begier, MD, I Weisfuse, MD, New York City Dept of Health and Mental Hygiene.
Appropriately enough, Fergus, the Jacobite clan chieftain, describes to Waverley a "Grey Spectre," the Bodach Glas, before he leaves for Culloden.
Wearing highaltitude flying suits, the pair arrived at the summit of Am Bodach, at the eastern end of the ridge, at 1.30am.
Meanwhile, 1000 copies of the calendar are to go on sale, showing stunning shots, including Blaze posing on Am Bodach ridge in Glencoe, in front of a spectacular sunset at Broadford Bay, Skye, and in a field of bluebells in Ballachulish.
While the language he uses is derived from westerns like The Good, The Bad and the Ugly, his attitude and tone is one of a slightly lonely and crazed 'bodach' or 'old man', left too long on his own in the 'wild west' of Lewis.