bending moment

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bending moment

(Surveying) the algebraic sum of all the moments to one side of a cross-section of a beam or other structural support
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After the experimental samples were produced, they were subjected to three-point bending moment in the universal tensile testing device at a compression speed of 1 mm/min at a room temperature of 24 [degrees]C and in a humid environment of 35% (Fig.
By increasing the ratio [zeta] of the flexural rigidity of the cable and girder from 0.1 to 5.0, the maximum bending moment of the stiffening girder decreases by 77%, 79% and 81% under the ratio of short-term to permanent loading [gamma] = 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
Such attempts are made by (Bazi, Hajj, and Itani 2005; Gheitasi and Harris 2015), (Kim, Kim, and Park 2013), and (Sennah and Kennedy 1999; Seo, Phares, and Wipf 2014) who have used the loading configuration recommended by (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials 2010), AASHTO, to determine the design equations for distribution factors of bending moment and shear force of composite box girder bridges.
Comparing the deflection, rotation angle, normalized bending moment, and shear force of the existing tunnel with constant stiffness based on the three models, the new method is verified.
The bending moment M and shear force Q along the beam are given as
and the bending moment [M.sub.b](x) = [q.sub.t]/2 [x.sup.2] - [q.sub.t]L/2 (5/4 + 3[[tau].supo.2])x + [q.sub.t][L.sup.2]/2 (3[[tau].sup.2] + 1/4).
In Tables 4-6, the bending moment resulting in the tensile stress in the inner element of the structure is positive.
The magnitude and unsteadiness of the tower out-of-plane displacement, as well as the primary bending moment of the base of the tower reveals differences in the fatigue-inducing loads to the tower.