benchmark position

benchmark position

(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) NZ a public service job used for comparison with a similar position, such as a position in commerce, for wage settlements
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The Credit Suisse team cut European utilities to "underweight", while keeping a benchmark position on stocks most exposed to the domestic European economic cycle, such as staffing companies Randstad and Adecco "We continue to focus on the domestic demand proxies in Europe as, in our view, the European growth story looks more resilient than investors realise," they said in a note.
No wonder today, OGDCL has attained the benchmark position as an industry leader, in the Pakistan E and P industry.
It also reaffirms BMW's benchmark position on efficiency and driving enjoyment within the premium segment, it added.
With these three thoroughbred sports cars, Porsche once again proves its benchmark position in the luxury sports car segment.
The end of October position is likely to show that the Russia weighting has increased further, though that it is still not significantly overweight relative to the current benchmark position for Russia in the MSCI GEM Index.
In order to link the two sets of source data and prepare annual position estimates between benchmark years, BEA extrapolates the benchmark position estimate by adjusting it for net foreign purchases of U.S.
When Guido tried to defend his position by showing his own survey, his boss questioned the choice of benchmark positions and impugned the authenticity and integrity of the survey.