bend back

Also found in: Idioms.

w>bend back

visich zurückbiegen; (over backwards) → sich nach hinten biegen; (road, river)in einer Schleife zurückkommen
vt sepzurückbiegen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
As she said this, she approached her tall person and ample garments so near the window, that I was obliged to bend back almost to the breaking of my spine: in her eagerness she did not observe me at first, but when she did, she curled her lip and moved to another casement.
The game player is then challenged to lean back and walk underneath the pole - each time the person goes completes a certain height, the pole is then lowered each time until the player can't bend back anymore.
Bend back the crimped tips to align them to point toward the hookeye.
Do you bend back the corners on articles you want to revisit, only to forget to come back to them?
Thief climbed wooden perimeter fence to get into compound at Rockwood Garage, Wakefield Road and bend back door to storage cage to get into building and steal gas bottle.
"Bend back" tests have been performed in the field for years.
Digital magazines will never take the place of being able to bend back a page--for future reference--or highlight a special word, or ripping out some important article to put in a three-ring binder.
This year's program focused on subduction zones, where Earth's tectonic plates bend back down toward the planet's interior, usually creating volcanoes in the process.
The brush's nylon bristles help prevent microscopic cuts to the gums and bend back into shape.
Sutton was not an especially adventurous partner but did nothing silly either as he kept Hodge company until the latter was bowled on the back foot by a delivery from Jason Lewry which appeared to bend back into its victim.