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Related to banket: banker


(Minerals) a gold-bearing conglomerate found in South Africa
[C19: from Dutch: a kind of almond hardbake, alluding to its appearance]
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Dan is a 52-year-old white Zimbabwean who used to own a farm in Banket, Mashonaland West province who is now leasing a farm in Limpopo:
The Banket Bezoutian (briefly H Bezoutian) of two vectors u, v [member of] [F.sup.n+1] is, by definition, the n x n matrix B = [Bez.sub.H] (u, v) with the generating polynomial
(108) On 18 August 1558, the parish paid 3s 4d.'to the clarkes and syngynge men for a banket or Recreassion at mr haywardes one owr Lady even to macke them to dryncke'.
Currently, RAM has stations in Harare at Ballantyne Park, Borrowdale Brooke, Willowvale, Athlone--as well as Chitungwiza, Zengeza, Ruwa, Chinhoyi, Banket, Kadoma, Kariba at Charara, Chawara harbor, Marine Land and Anchorage harbors, as well as in Marondera, with depots in Victoria Falls, Beit Bridge and Chirundu, and more planned for the future
The pensioner was dead by the time they arrived./ The electric banket was switched on and the bottom half of the bed badly burned.
Al Jazeera's Haru Mutasa, reporting from Banket, said most Zimbabweans had accepted the fact that Friday's elections would go ahead, but some opposition supporters were concerned about being forced to vote for Mugabe.
Particularly favoured destinations were Banket, Raffingora, Trelawney, Karoi, Norton and Darwendale (see Map 1).
And, shouldered with just a mandatory 5lb penalty, Always The Groom looks the banket bet on this modest six-race card.
The banket ban on British beef exports imposed by the European Union almost exactly ten years ago is about to be lifted in the next few weeks.