bank swallow

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Noun1.Bank swallow - swallow of the northern hemisphere that nests in tunnels dug in clay or sand banksbank swallow - swallow of the northern hemisphere that nests in tunnels dug in clay or sand banks
martin - any of various swallows with squarish or slightly forked tail and long pointed wings; migrate around Martinmas
genus Riparia, Riparia - a genus of Hirundinidae
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References in periodicals archive ?
Advantages and disadvantages of bank swallow (Riparia ripmia) coloniality.
Elsewhere, dogs accompanied by their owners happily ran leash-free along a vast expanse of beach at San Francisco's Fort Funston park--that is, until officials determined that one of California's two Bank Swallow coastal communities used 10 acres of the beach.
vicarius has "on occasion [been found] in considerable numbers in barn swallow and bank swallow (Riparia riparia) nests".
For their 12 Seder, after the question, "Why is this night different?" was asked and answered, Rea and Ijichi had participants mention the locally extinct species by name: the California condor, the yellow-billed cuckoo, Swainson's hawk, the bank swallow, the black rail, the Fulvous tree duck, as well as the pronghorn (the American antelope), the long-earned kit fox, and the Southern California grizzly.