
Also found in: Thesaurus, Financial, Idioms.


1. A roll of paper money.
2. Informal One's ready cash.
tr.v. bank·rolled, bank·roll·ing, bank·rolls Informal
To underwrite the expense of (a business venture, for example).

bank′roll′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


the person or organization that provides the finance for a project, business, etc
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
On May 21, 2017, three days before news broke of the emir's alleged comments, the hashtag "Qatar the bankroller of terror" was trending.
It's no coincidence then, as one Guardian editor rightly pointed out, that so many Brexiteers have misty-eyed memories of ex-colonies: UKIP boss Henry Bolton was born and raised in Kenya; Leave EU campaign bankroller Arron Banks spent his summers in South Africa around his father's sugar estates; the head of media for Vote Leave had ties to Zimbabwe; and the UKIP's only MP during the referendum was raised in Uganda.
Bankroller of King Faisal Babies Alhjai Karim Grunsah has cautioned Asante Kotoko to be wary of Kariobangi Sharks in the second leg of the CAF Confederation Cup on Saturday.
A clear-eyed evaluation should lead any responsible actor to steer clear of Iran - the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism and the bankroller of slaughter and misery in Syria.
Brexit's biggest bankroller Arron Banks faces a National Crime Agency investigation over alleged links with Russia during theBrexitcampaign, it emerged today.
The imminent arrival of Diakhite already has the blessing of returning Red Warriors bankroller Bong Tan, who will try to sustain his success after helping the Batangas City-Tanduay Athletics rule the inaugural Maharlika Pilipinas Basketball League conference last month.
Hence, he is bringing in the fight right in the turf of the potential bankroller of his adversary in the election, the well-oiled Floirendo Group of companies, Tadeco being the largest.
BY MIKEY SMITH RUSSIAN Twitter trolls who promoted Leave also backed a website owned by Brexit bankroller Arron Banks, it emerged.
Not unless, promotion attained, Mike Ashley suddenly becomes Sir John Hall, the bankroller of the Entertainers, which I cannot see for the life of me.
Syria's telecoms services, run by Mr Assad's cousin and suspected regime bankroller Rami Makhlouf, recently increased prices for phone calls and the internet.