art historian

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Related to art historian: art history
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: historian - a historian of artart historian - a historian of art      
historian, historiographer - a person who is an authority on history and who studies it and writes about it
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An art historian has put Dennis the Menace, Minnie the Minx and the Bash Street Kids in the same frame as the Old Masters.
Summary: British art historian says art scene here is how it was in the West hundreds of years ago
Marco Livingstone is an independent art historian and curator.
Only the museum curators, the show's production team, and presenters Giles Coren and art historian Rose Balston will know which pictures are real and which have been replaced.
Wednesday is set to be a day of culture with art historian, collector and writer Rita Severis talking about how we can read a painting and the AG Leventis foundation putting on its annual book sale.
Obama's remark was highly criticised by the media and citizens, including art historian Ann Collins Johns, who took to the White House website and stated that as art historians, they challenge their students to think, read, and write critically.
Perhaps it is right that, in this generation, Berenson is rescued from being significant solely as an art historian, to being viewed instead as someone who represents a particular philosophical and aesthetic viewpoint --one as interesting to the history of ideas as it is to pure art history.
Summary: A smirking horned devil exists in the frescoed clouds of a Giotto work in the famed Assisi basilica, an Italian art historian said Tuesday -- a tantalizing detail that apparently went unnoticed by scholars for centuries.
The authors (Kristina Lowis, art historian, Staatliche Museum in Berlin, and Tamsin Pickeral, art historian, Suffolk, England) have done an excellent job in conveying important details of the works discussed.--J.J.H.
Art historian Meyer Schapiro achieved fame in New York for his public lectures and the classes he taught at Columbia University.

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