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 (är-tō′), Antonin 1896-1948.
French surrealist poet and playwright who advocated a deliberately shocking and confrontational style of drama he called "Theatre of Cruelty."
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(French arto)
(Biography) Antonin (ɑ̃tɔnɛ̃). 1896–1948, French stage director and dramatist, whose concept of the theatre of cruelty is expounded in Manifeste du théâtre de la cruauté (1932) and Le Théâtre et son double (1938)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Este modo de percepgao de Artaud, indiferente ao projeto de
She was volcanically angry for much of her career about being overlooked, and the rejection of an artist by the art establishment is a key theme of her dark masterwork Codex Artaud (1971-72).
This year's edition of the "Francophone Month" is gathered under the theme "Revons la Francophonie" ("Let's dream of [a] Francophone [country]") and will open March 1 with a reading of French playwright and writer Antonin Artaud's "Lettres a Genica" ("Letters to Genica").
"The system is ready, the team is in place, the first pilot testing will start in January," said Thierry Artaud, General Manager of M-Birr ICT Services PLC.
What was the impulse that drove Artaud on his way to Mexico?
In Chapter 6 of A Thousand Plateaus, "November 28, 1947: How do you Make Yourself a Body without Organs?" Deleuze and Guattari invoke Artaud's image of the "Body without Organs" to teach us to make ourselves a "Body without Organs" and to wage a war against psychoanalysis and theories of organism: "The BwO is what remains when you take everything away.
Disenchanted by the artifice, sterility, and intellectual myopia of Western society, the tortured artist Antonin Artaud and the Franco-Mauritian writer J.M.G Le Clezio embarked upon philosophical quests in an effort to (re)-attach their fragmented consciousness to fundamental ontological realities from which there is no escape.
Alternative theatre legend Antonin Artaud, avant garde pioneer and mental health warrior, has long been a fascination for outsider musicians.
City of Beginnings includes analyses of the Arab modernists' creative encounters with Ezra Pound, Saint-John Perse, and Antonin Artaud, as well as their adaptations of classical literary forms.