art director

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art director

(Film) a person responsible for the sets and costumes in a film
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: director - the director in charge of the artistic features of a theatrical production (costumes and scenery and lighting)art director - the director in charge of the artistic features of a theatrical production (costumes and scenery and lighting)
stage director - someone who supervises the actors and directs the action in the production of a stage show
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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Without doubt, Rik was at that time the only 70-something art director who had learned to master the computer for designing graphics.
Vincent's "Masseduction" with Willo Perron as art director.
The program of the evening was performed by art directors of the festival, world famous musicians Farhad Badalbeyli (piano) and Dmitry Yablonsky (cello), as well as Zhanna Gandelman (violin), Annel Gregory (violin), Olga Ermakova (piano) and Shukur Samadov (clarinet) .
Creative Director: Nathalie Kirsheh Art Director: Sarah Olin Illustrator: Ana Strumpf Visuals Director: Ashley Curry Taliento Deputy Photo Editor: Kathryn Hall Photographer: Miguel Reveriego Digital Art Director: Aimee Sy Stylist: Vanessa Chow Hair Stylist: Laurent Philippon Make Up: Cassandra Garcia Set Design: Bette Adams
[USA], Jan 13 ( ANI ): Two-time Oscar-winning production designer and art director Terence Marsh has died at the age of 86.
BEST REDESIGN: Silver award for art director Pepe Nieto's reinvention of our sister publication, 94 7CFO
Sartain has 18 years of advertising experience from various industries including pharmaceuticals and rejoins Cognite after moving to Cuttsy and Cuttsy in 2015 to serve as its senior art director and studio manager.
Take, for example, the Art Directors Guild, whose members are nearly 73% male.
"Melanie Rose-Zagwyn has a BFA degree and Art Education Teaching Certificate from the Massachusetts College of Art and has served as New England Village's Art Director for the past 14 years.
Art director Hegarty, a founding partner of the firm Bartle Bogle Hegarty, has received a Clio Lifetime Achievement Award and has been inducted into the New York Art Directors Club Hall of Fame.
It is a powerful explanation of the events that unfold every day," said Juan Velasco, Art Director at National Geographic Magazine while speaking with newspaper artists in Dubai recently.