squat toilet

(redirected from Squat toilets)

squat toilet

nStehtoilette f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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Recently, Yellowstone and Arches National Park installed squat toilets, which are more typical in China.)
Two French vloggers on April 14 posted a humorous video showing French people attempting and failing to execute the "Asian squat," a maneuver most Westerners in Taiwan will have observed and likely had to attempt when using squat toilets.
Her memories from the first visit to Korea include a "jjimjilbang" (Korean dry sauna) visit, "hoejib" (Korean raw fish restaurant), squat toilets and indoor theme park Lotte World.
After years in Africa and other travels I also see the appeal of squat toilets - it is much more natural.
Japan has launched a campaign to convert unpopular Asian-style squat toilets into sit-on "western" models, as the nation prepares to welcome tens of millions of foreign tourists in the run-up to the Tokyo 2020 Olympics.
The so-dubbed "toilet revolution" was launched in 2015 as part of efforts to make restrooms -- often squat toilets with no paper -- more tourist-friendly.
The squat toilets we have to use We visit the Great Wall museum and learn the wall is more than 2000 years old.
Admittedly the squat toilets and the smell in our dormitory's "bathroom" were low points - but the food more than made up for it.
Restrooms: Most restrooms have both European pedestal and Asian squat toilets. Carry your own tissue and dispose of it in the stall's trashcan rather than flushing -- ystanbul's plumbing is ancient.
The toilet-themed park includes Korean squat toilets, European bedpans and a porcelain urinal in the shape of Marcel Duchamp's sculpture "Fountain."