squash racket

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Noun1.squash racket - a small racket with a long handle used for playing squashsquash racket - a small racket with a long handle used for playing squash
racquet, racket - a sports implement (usually consisting of a handle and an oval frame with a tightly interlaced network of strings) used to strike a ball (or shuttlecock) in various games
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squash racket

, (esp US) squash racquet
nSquash-Schläger m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007

squash racket

nracchetta da squash
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
[ClickPress, Tue Jul 16 2019] The squash racket industry will continue to move forward at a steady rate, driven by new technologies and developments in design and performance of squash rackets.
As part of the publicity campaign to drum up interest in the record bid, which achieved national coverage in the press, Peter met the famous 630-pound wrestling bear Hercules, who was encoraged to stand still for a picture with Peter by owner Andy Robbin attaching prawns to the strings of a squash racket.
A squash racket costs us Rs27,000 shoes Rs16,000 and squash balls Rs3,000, and with limited resources we are struggling not only with Liaba, but with all four kids to keep them in sports, he added.
"Whilst Aussies have been using Airtasker for a while now, we're really excited to see how creative Brits can get -- we've already seen Londoners warm to Airtasker with tasks like re-stringing a squash racket and sorting out a pub quiz -- but we're excited to see what tasks get posted next."
"Yesterday, I took the full day off, I didn't touch my squash racket for even a minute, and I never normally do that during tournaments, but I had to.
"It's a brilliant little instrument, I love it - it's so small, you can put it in a bag and it looks like you're carrying a squash racket."
He also gifted me a squash racket (my first squash racket) that bore the signatures of former World Number-1 ranking squash player, Jonathon Power.
We have 10 Dunlop squash kits - comprising of a Dunlop Blackmax Carbon 520 squash racket and three Pro squash balls - with one overall winner also receiving a pair of tickets to attend the competition.
Not bad for a boy who first took hold of a squash racket because he was bored.
[USPRwire, Tue Jun 25 2019] The squash racket industry will continue to move forward at a steady rate, driven by new technologies and developments in design and performance of squash rackets.