Squash beetle

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Related to Squash beetle: squash bug, Mexican bean beetle
(Zool.) a small American beetle (Diabrotica vittata, syn. Galeruca vittata) which is often abundant and very injurious to the leaves of squash, cucumber, etc. It is striped with yellow and black. The name is applied also to other allied species.

See also: Squash

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Joe is the hungry insect that tries to dine on a squash beetle pupa.
They're members of the colorful coleopteran (beetle) family that seems to be such a help to human gardeners, except for two family members that detract decidedly from the clan's "wholly natural" reputation: Of more than 450 species in the lady beetle family in North America, only the Mexican bean beetle and the squash beetle fail to live up to the do-good reputation of their relatives.
They're content to just roam around, waddling from area to area in a tight flock, looking for squash beetles, Colorado potato beetles, and other pests.