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(Games, other than specified) a method of selecting, for example, which of two people perform a task: each person simultaneously makes one of three hand gestures representing a rock, a sheet of paper, and a pair of scissors respectively. Each gesture defeats one and is defeated by one of the other two: rock defeats scissors but is defeated by paper; paper defeats rock but is defeated by scissors. The person whose gesture defeats the other is selected. Also called (rare, chiefly US): roshambo
[C20: named for the three objects represented by the hand gestures]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Maxim Osipov Rock, Paper, Scissors and Other Stories Trans.
After a quick game of rock, paper, scissors, the winning student picked up the rubber chicken and raced down the floor toward their end zone.
Referee David McNamara has retracted his appeal against the 21-day suspension he was handed by the FA for using rock, paper, scissors instead of a coin toss prior to aWomen's Super League clash.
ARE we seriously living in such a po-faced, joyless, miserable sporting world that when a referee starts a game of football with a game of rock, paper, scissors, he gets suspended for three weeks?
It is understood that McNamara, after leaving his coin in the dressing room, had City captain Steph Houghton and Reading skipper Kirsty Pearce play a game of rock, paper, scissors to decide who would kick-off.
Referee David McNamara has been handed a three-week ban by the English FA for asking two captains to play rock, paper, scissors to decide the kick-off before a Women's Super League (WSL) match after forgetting his coin, British media reported.
When it comes to resolving conflict, my young sons--ages 6 and 9--instantly resort to the game of "rock, paper, scissors." No matter the issue, or how the disagreement starts, it works for them.
Well done to the writers, who make everyone so human - including the new guards, who casually play rock, paper, scissors as they decide how to torture the prisoners next.
"I love the rock, paper, scissors one, I thought it was ironic and very clever and also in these pictures, I am owning it (doing the hand gestures) like this, like this and then I'm like this.
Others have gone on to become working artists and architects themselves, including 2013 intern Sara Al Haddad, whose artworks are included in the UAE's current Biennale exhibition, Rock, Paper, Scissors: Positions in Play .
Continue reading "Rock, Paper, Scissors: A Guide to the New Victim Politics" at...
- Available now on the Android market, the app offers users of all ages an adventure into the ranks of Magicians, The Gathering, an annual contest of magical skill, where rock, paper, scissors magic reigns supreme.