rocket cress

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Related to rocket cress: Barbarea verna
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.rocket cress - noxious cress with yellow flowersrocket cress - noxious cress with yellow flowers; sometimes placed in genus Sisymbrium
Barbarea, genus Barbarea - biennial or perennial herbs of north temperate regions: winter cress
weed - any plant that crowds out cultivated plants
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The dinner will include canaps upon arrival, followed by open ravioli of beetroot and goats'' cheese with toasted walnuts, pickled apples and rocket cress. Roast fillet of beef, wild mushroom pie, accompanied by potato gratin, cobnuts and Madeira will follow, with chocolate truffle dessert.
Here there was a caramelised shallot puree, baby globe artichokes, balsamic grelot onion, a woody hazelnut foam, wilted rocket cress and wood sorrel.