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(French nɔr)
(Placename) a department of N France, in Nord-Pas-de-Calais region. Capital: Lille. Pop: 2 561 800 (2003 est). Area: 5774 sq km (2252 sq miles)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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At four o'clock he left the Gare du Nord for London.
They generally wore feathers in their hats, and affected the "brave." "Je suis un homme du nord!"-"I am a man of the north,"-one of these swelling fellows would exclaim, sticking his arms akimbo and ruffling by the Southwesters, whom he regarded with great contempt, as men softened by mild climates and the luxurious fare of bread and bacon, and whom he stigmatized with the inglorious name of pork- eaters.
When they got out of the Gare du Nord, and trundled along the cobbled streets in a ramshackle, noisy cab, it seemed to him that he was breathing a new air so intoxicating that he could hardly restrain himself from shouting aloud.
The Trump administration said Wednesday it's still considering using sanctions to block the completion of Nord Stream 2, which is owned and operated by Nord Stream AG.
"Instead of fair competition with Nord Stream 2, the USA prefers to act in Europe like in the times of the Wild West.
This is what inspires me in cooking,' professed Chef Anton when he saw my group composed of Architects Kiko and Cecile Hidalgo; Lachi's Mae Aviles-Tulfo and Tetet Vedua-Aviles; plus career woman Mariel Estioko who were dining for the first time at Nord's.
Pioneering Spirit ship with dynamic laying capacity has joined the ship fleet to lay Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline in the exclusive economic zone of Finland.
Nord Anglia Education is a leading international operator of premium schools serving students from kindergarten through the end of secondary school in China, Europe, the Middle East, Southeast Asia and North America.
Le vent de secteur Nord atteindra les 40 a 60 km/h pres des cotes nord et sera modere a assez fort de 25 a 35 km/h ailleurs.
- Passages nuageux avec faibles averses ou ondees eparses par endroits sur le Nord-Ouest, les cotes atlantiques Nord ainsi que les reliefs du Haut et Moyen Atlas en soiree et la nuit suivante.
A la Basse-Normandie et la Haute-Normandie dans leur ensemble, les Cotes-d'Armor, l'Oise et la Somme concernes par l'alerte emise en milieu d'apres-midi dimanche, sont venus s'ajouter dans la nuit de dimanche a lundi le Nord et le Pas-de-Calais.
Still, Nord Gold, which held a 75% interest in the Toronto-listed firm prior to launching the offer, said it will extend the bid until 8 December 2012 so that the remaining High River minority shareholders have enough time to tender their units.