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Noun1.norethynodrel - a progesterone derivative used in oral contraceptives and in the control of menstruation and the treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding
Enovid - trade name for an oral contraceptive containing mestranol and norethynodrel
progestin, progestogen - any of a group of steroid hormones that have the effect of progesterone
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References in periodicals archive ?
Searle Co., Chicago), was tested in 1957 in Japan and Puerto Rico in a formulation containing 75 [micro]g of mestranol and 10 mg of norethynodrel. The dose was lowered to 5 mg norethynodrel prior to being sold in the United States in 1960.
In 1960, the first oral contraceptive containing 150(Mu)g mestranol and 9.5mg norethynodrel was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).2