satellite radio

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satellite radio

1. Radio broadcast of digital radio content via satellite.
2. A radio receiver capable of playing such broadcasts.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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"I want to go down, but I dars n't, it 's so steep," said one of these "common children," as Maud called them.
Indeed, she was so shocked, when Polly, one day, proposed a run down the mall, that her friend never dared suggest such a thing again.
She oughter cracked me over de head for bein' so sarcy; but dar's whar 't is--I can't do nothin' with ladies in de kitchen!"
"What PUT it dar? Didn' he jis' dis minute sing out like he knowed you?"
I skips along out towards t'other end o' de house to see what's gwine on, en stops by de ole winder on de side towards Pudd'nhead Wilson's house dat ain't got no sash in it-- but dey ain't none of 'em got any sashes, for as dat's concerned-- en I stood dah in de dark en look out, en dar in the moonlight, right down under me 'uz one o' de twins a-cussin'--not much, but jist a-cussin' soft--it 'uz de brown one dat 'uz cussin,'
"Dar it is, boss," he said, pointing down the street.
"There's two police," said the old man, "an' him that lives at Sallust's dar'd them stop him.
None of the men of the neighborhood had dared to join; they stood in the road whispering, and occasionally venturing to laugh at the jests of a couple of tramps who had stopped to see the fun, and who cared nothing for Sir Charles.
Bold deed thou hast presum'd, adventrous EVE, And peril great provok't, who thus hast dar'd Had it bin onely coveting to Eye That sacred Fruit, sacred to abstinence, Much more to taste it under banne to touch.
Dars, after joining the PTI, played active role in establishing Tehreek-e-Insaf in Sialkot politics and soon they became close political associates of PTI chief Imran Khan by donating generously to the party head for establishment of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital.
All sources and legal methods will be used to bring Ishaq Dar back to Pakistan, NAB said.
Ishaq Dars wealthincreasedexponentially between 1993 and 2009, which left others baffled about his sources of income.