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(Games, other than specified) (in darts) nervous twitching or tension that destroys concentration and spoils performance
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Otherwise it just looks like what darts players call dartitis. It's when the big dudes with the arrows lose their nerve on the oche and can't find the confidence to even throw at the board.
Webster was on the very brink of dartitis - struggling to let go of his arrows, which is what I suffered all those years ago - but I think he will just be too good tonight for Alan Norris.
ERIC Bristow, one of the world's finest darts players, had his career drastically cut short by an attack of dartitis.
Though he has been seeded No.31 for this tournament, Webster has dropped down the rankings over the past few years having suffered the symptoms of dartitis.
After failing down the world rankings and suffering dartitis, a psychological condition that affects a player's technique, Burnett's career looked over.
Lively tales abound from his childhood onwards, including his demise, mainly through the onset of dartitis.
Walsh has only just returned to the sport in the last few months after suffering from Dartitis but there was nothing wrong with his throwing last night.
In the last 32 Cyr will meet Dutch 19-year-old Rico Vonck, who took advantage of Mark Walsh's 'dartitis' problems to ease to a 3-0 win.
Bristow groomed Taylor for greatness after his dominance was dented by dartitis - a psychological problem similar to the yips in golf where a player struggles to let go of the dart - and he says the Potteries hero and Ray van Barneveld are the only players on the circuit he fears.