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Noun1.Bennettitales - fossil gymnospermous plants of the Carboniferous
plant order - the order of plants
class Cycadopsida, Cycadophyta, Cycadophytina, Cycadopsida, subdivision Cycadophyta, subdivision Cycadophytina - palmlike gymnosperms: includes the surviving order Cycadales and several extinct orders; possibly not a natural group; in some systems considered a class (Cycadopsida) and in others a subdivision (Cycadophytina or Cycadophyta)
Bennettitaceae, family Bennettitaceae - a family of fossil gymnospermous plants of the Carboniferous
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Botanical Affinities: Gymnospermic (Cycadales, Bennettitales) [09]
The site protected one of the world's greatest concentrations of Cretaceous-period fossils, known informally as cycads or scientifically as Bennettitales. These 120-million-year-old plant fossils have unique branching features and reproductive systems, and scientists believe they might hold important clues to the evolution of flowering plants.
Furthermore, with the exception of the fern specimens, the lack of cuticles means that the flora here described can only tentatively be ascribed to the Order Bennettitales, as recommended by Rees and Cleal (2004) in their study of specimens in a similar state of preservation from Antarctica.
associated with Mesozoic Bennettitales (Crepet, 1979), suggest that
Their other name, "Anthophyte," would best become a synonym of Angiosperm, which actually reflects the change in hypothesis: No, the other groups originally included in "anthophyte" (e.g.,gnetopsids, Bennettitales, Pentoxylon) are not closely related and do not have flowers or what can reasonably be interpreted as flower homologues.
Several fossil and extant cycad leaves show an external morphology similar to that of Bennettitales and Pteridosperms.