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(Biography) E(dward) F(rederic). 1867–1940, British writer, noted esp for a series of comic novels featuring the characters Mapp and Lucia
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Benson seen her in there las' night, too, but he never said nothin' till I goes on watch tonight.
I recognized him as Benson, the man who, Wilson had said, reported having seen Lys with von Schoenvorts two nights before.
"In the first place, Benson's no old-fashioned geezer.
That's one thing, Benson ain't got a scrub horse on the place."
This is a story told by the late Benson Foley of San Francisco:
It was half-past six when we reached Benson's lock, and dusk was drawing on, and she began to get excited then.
There was Wallingford lock, clearly marked, a mile and a half below Benson's.
'Be quick, Benson; do have done with that infernal clatter!' cried his master.
Benson, in some surprise, removed the cheese, and did his best to effect a quiet and speedy clearance of the rest; but, unfortunately, there was a rumple in the carpet, caused by the hasty pushing back of his master's chair, at which he tripped and stumbled, causing a rather alarming concussion with the trayful of crockery in his hands, but no positive damage, save the fall and breaking of a sauce tureen; but, to my unspeakable shame and dismay, Arthur turned furiously around upon him, and swore at him with savage coarseness.
She was accused of making Ole Benson lose the little sense he had-- and that at an age when she should still have been in pinafores.
Their rescue by the English tug was entirely probable; the capture of the enemy U-33 by the tug's crew was not beyond the range of possibility; and their adventures during the perilous cruise which the treachery and deceit of Benson extended until they found themselves in the waters of the far South Pacific with depleted stores and poisoned water-casks, while bordering upon the fantastic, appeared logical enough as narrated, event by event, in the manuscript.
Benson, Tippet, James, and one of the Germans were known to be dead.