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(Biography) Antony (Neil) Wedgwood, known as Tony Benn. 1925–2014, British Labour politician, a leading figure on the party's left wing. He renounced (1963) the title of Viscount Stansgate
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References in periodicals archive ?
Benn. (Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai'i Press, 2015.
CHILDREN of the Seventies and Eighties will remember the plinky plonky music and turning wheel of costumes that marked the start of Mr Benn, arguably one of the gentlest but most extraordinary children's cartoons ever created.
The shopkeeper's Fez was based on one of David's hats "I HAVE quite a few hats and somebody Mr Benn gave me a Fez at one time and I just thought, 'I have to use this!
Mr Benn CHILDREN of the Seventies and Eighties will remember the plinky plonky music and turning wheel of costumes that marked the start of Mr Benn, arguably one of the gentlest but most extraordinary children's cartoons ever created.
CHILDREN of the Seventies and Eighties will remember the plinky-plonky music and turning wheel of costumes that marked the start of Mr Benn, arguably one of the gentlest but most extraordinary children's cartoons ever created.
DURHAM boxer Darren Richardson won't look too far past next opponent Ross Jameson - but is itching to meet Conor Benn one day.
NIGEL Benn, the one-time Dark Destroyer who became a two-weight world champion, has a great affinity with us Geordies.
ONE of Britain's top former boxers Nigel Benn has "unfinished business" in Huddersfield.
JEREMY Corbyn faces a rebellion over plans to oust Hilary Benn as Shadow Foreign Secretary.
JEREMY Corbyn is facing a rebellion over plans to oust Hilary Benn as Shadow Foreign Secretary in a highstakes reshuffle.
JEREMY Corbyn in a recent national newspaper was right to call the clapping and cheering of Hilary Benn's speech in the recent Parliamentary debate about bombing Syria jingoistic.