

1. youth, the state of being young
2. young people as a whole
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The joy in children's eyes, seeing them enjoying youthhood reminded me of my younger years, hence made me click the camera to capture children's memoirs.
In many parts of the world, governments and institutions held several activities to celebrate youthhood.
He is a pro-freedom activist and a member of Jamaat-e-Islami since his youthhood.
Shen argues that "Youthhood is a threshold in our life.
His youthhood passed when Owshar Turkmen were on the throne during his adulthood Gajar Turkmen were ruling in Iran.
"youthhood"--has become the subject of much interest.
As for young Muslim women, specifically those who opt for a pious youthhood and don a headscarf, face veil (niqab), eschew alcohol, premarital sex, and co-ed swimming, for instance, are viewed more as posing a threat to the cultural traditions and "core values" of liberal European societies.
Instead, they foster an extended youthhood, rejecting sustained economic participation and squandering their prospects.
The period between 18 and 26 is now being repackaged as "youthhood" or "adultescence." Legally adults but not quite grown up, they are being called "Twixters."
Presenters Pam Stenhjem and Megan Dushin described the Youthhood Web site (, NCSET's interactive Web-based curriculum developed to help young adults plan for life after high school.