Youth Training Scheme

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Youth Training Scheme

(Industrial Relations & HR Terms) (formerly, in Britain) a scheme, run by the Training Agency, to provide vocational training for unemployed 16–17-year-olds. Abbreviation: YTS
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The Prime Minister`s Youth Training Scheme (PMYTS) was one of the ten projects that got approval from Executive Committee of National Economic Council (ECNEC) the other day.
The Prime Minister's Youth Program comprises of Six (06) Schemes including Qarze-Hassana (Micro Interest-Free Loans), Small Business Loans, Youth Training Scheme, Youth Skills Development Scheme, Provision of Laptops and Scheme for Reimbursement of Fee for Students of less developed areas.
The prime minister said under a youth training scheme, those completing a 16-year degree education from recognised institutions will be given practical training to help them secure jobs at home or abroad.
According to an official press release, the prime minister announced six projects including Micro Interest Free Loans Scheme, Small Business Loans Scheme, Youth Training Scheme, Youth Skill Development Scheme, Fee Assistance Scheme and PM's Scheme for Laptops Provision.
She began her career as a railway trainee on the rail industry's equivalent of the old Youth Training Scheme and progressed to acting head of human resources with First Great Western in Swindon.
Youth unemployment, this week's hot topic, gave us one of the most memorable episodes in viewer polls: Damon Grant coming home in tears to tell Sheila his job had been scrapped because the Youth Training Scheme (YTS), money had run out.
Union leaders say teenagers will end up in dead end jobs like the ones in Margaret Thatcher's controversial Youth Training Scheme in the 80s.
He had trained as an upholsterer on a Youth Training Scheme.
Stephen, from Possilpark, went on to a Youth Training Scheme in mechanics, but a leg injury cut this short.
Labour will also woo the youth vote with pledges to get 250,000 youngsters off benefit and into work, replacing the failed youth training scheme and ensuring training in work for all aged 16 and 17.

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