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(Geological Science) (of a mineral constituent of an igneous rock) not having its characteristic crystal shape because of deforming pressure from adjacent minerals
ˌxenoˈmorphically adv
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Dominant xenomorphic to idiomorphic dark gray crystals--dolomite, subordinate light gray xenomorphics--calcite, dark interstitial--fine-grained mass containing clay minerals, silica, organic matter and carbonates are present.
Ridley Scott returns to the 'Alien' franchise in a way much more direct than 'Prometheus.' Michael Fassbender and Noomi Rapace are back to get into xenomorphic action.
Within these replacements, staurolite appears as fine xenomorphic grains that are often arranged in optical continuity, indicating that they are relicts of larger porphyroblasts.
One of these is made up of medium/fine-grained xenomorphic assemblage comprising epidote chlorite titanite quartz and albitic plagioclase.
Carbonate mineral individuals are characterized with xenomorphic morphostructures of limitation surfaces.
The main gauge mineral in the quartz vein consists of exclusively xenomorphic quartz crystals (more than 98% in modal composition), occurring in almost equal grain sizes (equigranular).
Tobe Hooper, 1985) which seem to signal 'the start of a representational trend' where 'xenomorphic and metamorphosing monsters analogiz[e] uncomfortable and at the same time alluring epidemiological and etiological kernels related to the disease'.
The porosity is partially macroscopic, visible by plain sight, with round, oval and xenomorphic pores, average size between 10 and 180 urn.
The Ancient Enemy shares xenomorphic traits with both the Antichrist and the Thing; it is a predator unapproachably slithering between organic and inorganic domains.