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(Biography) ?396–314 bc, Greek Platonic philosopher
Xenocratic adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(zəˈnɒk rəˌtiz)

396–314 B.C., Greek philosopher.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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As if the angel of death had chilled all gay and sprightly fancies - as if that wan form had scared away the Graces to whom Xenocrates sacrificed - silence immediately reigned through the study, and every one resumed his self-possession and his pen.
270/269 a.C.), ateniense, sucedeu Xenocrates no comando da Academia e liderou-a por quarenta e quatro anos (314/313- 270/269 a.C.).
* Xenocrates holding his Peace at some detracting Discourse, they asked him, Why he did not speak?
Suppose that the scene in the Academy on Plato's return from Sicily was finding the new fellows, Eudoxus and Aristotle, squared off against the old guard, Speusippus and Xenocrates. The former had a bent for empirical inquiry enriched by rational rhetoric, and the latter were caught up in a transcendental vision of the forms.
High Blade Xenocrates, the venal leader of the MidMerica Scythes, has been selected to replace a self-gleaned member of the seven Grandslayers on the World Scythe Council.
In sections on early developments, early imperial reception, and early Christian and late antique Platonism, they consider such topics as Speusippus and Xenocrates on the pursuit and ends of philosophy, Philo of Alexandria, Theon of Smyrna: rethinking Platonic mathematics in Middle Platonism, variations of receptions of Plato during the Second Sophistic, Plato's political dialogues in the writings of Julian the Emperor, and orthodoxy and allegory: Syrianus' metaphysical hermeneutics.
En general, la conformacion genital de esta especie, difiere bastante de Polygrapha cyanea (Godman & Salvin, 1887), la especie tipo del genero, y en especial de Pseudocharaxes xenocrates (Westwood, 1850).
En cuanto a callar y escuchar dice Castilla refiriendose a una anecdota de Xenocrates que: "muchas veces le habia pesado de hablar y ninguna de haber callado" (Castilla 249).
La epoca grecolatina no interesa tanto como el siglo XX para nuestro trabajo pero es obvio que debemos hacer referencia a Platon con su teoria de las ideas (Ross, 2001) y Aristoteles, ademas de los famosos tratados de pintura y escultura de Xenocrates de Sicione.
Bobonich and Lorenz are by no means the first to hold a version of the standard view of belief formation, as a classical version of the standard view was held in the Old Academy by Xenocrates, and then later in antiquity by Proclus.