write down

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Related to write down: note down


v. wrote (rōt), writ·ten (rĭt′n) also writ (rĭt), writ·ing, writes
a. To form (letters, words, or symbols) on a surface such as paper with an instrument such as a pen.
b. To form (letters or words) in cursive style, especially in contrast to printing by hand.
c. To spell: How do you write your name?
a. To fill (an amount of space) with words or information: wrote five pages in an hour.
b. To put written information in the blank spaces of (a check, form, or similar document).
a. To produce or compose (text) in a recorded form that can be read: write a poem; write a letter.
b. To express in writing; set down: write one's thoughts.
c. To communicate by writing, especially by written letter: She wrote that she was planning to visit.
d. To communicate with (someone) by writing, especially by letter: wrote me to tell me she had moved again.
4. To compose (a musical work).
a. To underwrite, as an insurance policy.
b. To compose in legal form; draft: write a will.
6. To indicate; mark: "Utter dejection was written on every face" (Winston S. Churchill).
7. To ordain or prophesy: It was written that the empire would fall.
8. Computers To transfer or copy (information) from memory to a storage device or output device.
1. To trace or form letters, words, or symbols on paper or another surface: people who cannot read or write.
2. To produce written material, such as articles or books: She wrote for most of her adult life.
3. To compose a letter, email, or other written communication: Please write while you are away.
Phrasal Verbs:
write down
1. To set down in writing.
2. Accounting To record a reduced value for (an asset): forced to write down a security after a fall in its market value.
3. Accounting To record (a loss) by reducing the value of an asset: wrote down $10 million in bad debt.
4. To write in a conspicuously simple or condescending style: felt he had to write down to his students.
5. To disparage in writing: a film that was written down in the magazine.
write in
1. To cast a vote by inserting (a name not listed on a ballot).
2. To insert in a text or document: wrote in an apology at the end of the note.
3. To communicate with an organization by mail: write in with a completed entry form.
write off
1. Accounting To record (a worthless asset) as a loss.
2. Accounting To record (a loss or expense) as a reduction in earnings or in the value of an asset: wrote off business expenses when calculating taxable income.
3. To consider as a loss or failure: wrote off the rainy first day of the vacation.
4. To disregard as inconsequential: wrote off the singer as a novelty act.
write out
1. To express or compose in writing: write out a request.
2. To write in full or expanded form: All abbreviations are to be written out.
write up
1. To write a report or description of, as for publication.
2. Accounting To record an increased value for (an asset).
3. To report (someone) in writing, as for breaking the law: wrote him up for speeding.
4. To bring (a journal, for example) up to date.
write (one's) own ticket
To set one's own terms or course of action entirely according to one's own needs or wishes: an open-ended and generous scholarship that lets recipients write their own ticket.
write the book on
To be the preeminent practitioner of or expert in (something).
writ large
Signified, expressed, or embodied in a greater or more prominent magnitude or degree: "The man was no more than the boy writ large" (George Eliot).

[Middle English writen, from Old English wrītan.]
Word History: Every modern Indo-European language of Western Europe except English derives its verb for "to write" from Latin scrībere: French écrire, Spanish escribir, Portuguese escrever, Catalan escriure, Italian scrivere, Irish scríobh, Scottish Gaelic sgrìobh, Welsh ysgrifennu, Breton skriva, Icelandic skrifa, Danish and Norwegian skrive, Swedish skriva, German schreiben, and Dutch schrijven. The English verb write, however, comes from Old English wrītan, from the Germanic root *writ- that in turn comes from the Indo-European root *wreid- meaning "to cut, scratch, tear, sketch an outline." German still retains this meaning in its cognate verb reissen, "to tear." Only Old English employed wrītan to refer to writing—that is, scratching on parchment with a pen. English shows a similar contrariness in its verb read, being almost the only western European language not to derive that verb from Latin legere.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

write down

vb (adverb)
1. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (tr) to set down in writing
2. (Journalism & Publishing) (tr) to harm or belittle by writing about (a person) in derogatory terms
3. (Journalism & Publishing) (intr; foll by to or for) to write in a simplified way (to a supposedly less cultured readership)
4. (Accounting & Book-keeping) (tr) accounting to decrease the book value of (an asset)
(Accounting & Book-keeping) accounting a reduction made in the book value of an asset
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.write down - put down in writing; of texts, musical compositions, etc.
write - communicate or express by writing; "Please write to me every week"
transcribe - write out from speech, notes, etc.; "Transcribe the oral history of this tribe"
notate - put into notation, as of music or choreography; "Nowadays, you can notate an entire ballet; in the old days, the steps had to be memorized"
dash down, dash off - write down hastily; "She dashed off a letter to her lawyer"
note, take down - make a written note of; "she noted everything the teacher said that morning"
2.write down - reduce the estimated value of something; "For tax purposes you can write off the laser printer"
depreciate - lower the value of something; "The Fed depreciated the dollar once again"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. To form letters, characters, or words on a surface with an instrument:
2. To form by artistic effort:
3. To be the author of (a published work or works):
phrasal verb
write down
1. To register in or as if in a book:
2. To become or make less in price or value:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
يُدَوِّنُيُدَوِّن، يُسَجِّل
skrive ned
kirjoittaa muistiin
skrá, skrifa niîur
skriva upp
ghi chép

w>write down

vt sep (= make a note of)aufschreiben; (= record, put in writing)niederschreiben
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


(rait) past tense wrote (rout) : past participle written (ˈritn) verb
1. to draw (letters or other forms of script) on a surface, especially with a pen or pencil on paper. They wrote their names on a sheet of paper; The child has learned to read and write; Please write in ink.
2. to compose the text of (a book, poem etc). She wrote a book on prehistoric monsters.
3. to compose a letter (and send it). He has written a letter to me about this matter; I'll write you a long letter about my holiday; I wrote to you last week.
ˈwriter noun
a person who writes, especially for a living. Dickens was a famous English writer; the writer of this letter.
ˈwriting noun
letters or other forms of script giving the written form of (a) language. the Chinese form of writing; I can't read your writing.
ˈwritings noun plural
the collected books, poems, correspondence etc of a particular (usually famous) person. the writings of Plato.
written (ˈritn) adjective
in writing. a written message.
ˈwriting-paper noun
paper for writing letters etc on. writing-paper and envelopes.
write down
to record in writing. She wrote down every word he said.
write out
to copy or record in writing. Write this exercise out in your neatest handwriting.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.

write down

يُدَوِّنُ zapsat skrive ned aufschreiben σημειώνω anotar kirjoittaa muistiin noter zapisati annotare 書き留める 기재하다 opschrijven skrive ned zapisać escrever записывать skriva upp เขียนลง yazmak ghi chép 写下
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
At length, after many years had passed, men began to write down these tales, so that they might not be forgotten.
You used to write down what my father said, when he was dictating his letters to you.
Now, you get a bit of paper and write down, J., and you get the grocery catalogue, George, and somebody give me a bit of pencil, and then I'll make out a list."
"No; YOU get the paper, and the pencil, and the catalogue, and George write down, and I'll do the work."
In the meantime write down our new name and address, and see how they strike you: 'Mr.
I have just returned from my benefactor, and hasten to write down what I have experienced.
Try, pray do, to relent towards a miserable girl, and write down on a bit of paper whether he is well, and what he said about me before you left off ever naming me among yourselves - and whether, of a night, when it is my old time of coming home, you ever see him look as if he thought of one he used to love so dear.
Robit Oyj (HEL:ROBIT), a provider of drilling consumables for applications in mining, construction and contracting, tunnelling and well drilling, announced on Monday that it will write down the goodwill associated with its Down the Hole (DTH) business area.
When we have the best setup of our lives, we need to realize that bows change with use, and before it's too late, we need to write down everything about the setup.
write your PrediCtions together before a big match get them to write down some of their predictions.
The company had reported net income in the quarter of $98,000 on revenue of $262.4 million on July 24 and the restated results do not change revenue or any other of the operations report; the write down is considered by accountants as "non-cash." The company had predicted in July it would need to take a write down, which comes when a company's balance sheet no longer adds up because of a depressed stock price.
Again adding the last two digits, we get 8+4=12, but write down ONLY THE 2.