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pen, author, draft, create, compose: I write at least three pages every day.
Not to be confused with:
wright – one who constructs something: a wheelwright; a playwright
Abused, Confused, & Misused Words by Mary Embree Copyright © 2007, 2013 by Mary Embree


v. wrote (rōt), writ·ten (rĭt′n) also writ (rĭt), writ·ing, writes
a. To form (letters, words, or symbols) on a surface such as paper with an instrument such as a pen.
b. To form (letters or words) in cursive style, especially in contrast to printing by hand.
c. To spell: How do you write your name?
a. To fill (an amount of space) with words or information: wrote five pages in an hour.
b. To put written information in the blank spaces of (a check, form, or similar document).
a. To produce or compose (text) in a recorded form that can be read: write a poem; write a letter.
b. To express in writing; set down: write one's thoughts.
c. To communicate by writing, especially by written letter: She wrote that she was planning to visit.
d. To communicate with (someone) by writing, especially by letter: wrote me to tell me she had moved again.
4. To compose (a musical work).
a. To underwrite, as an insurance policy.
b. To compose in legal form; draft: write a will.
6. To indicate; mark: "Utter dejection was written on every face" (Winston S. Churchill).
7. To ordain or prophesy: It was written that the empire would fall.
8. Computers To transfer or copy (information) from memory to a storage device or output device.
1. To trace or form letters, words, or symbols on paper or another surface: people who cannot read or write.
2. To produce written material, such as articles or books: She wrote for most of her adult life.
3. To compose a letter, email, or other written communication: Please write while you are away.
Phrasal Verbs:
write down
1. To set down in writing.
2. Accounting To record a reduced value for (an asset): forced to write down a security after a fall in its market value.
3. Accounting To record (a loss) by reducing the value of an asset: wrote down $10 million in bad debt.
4. To write in a conspicuously simple or condescending style: felt he had to write down to his students.
5. To disparage in writing: a film that was written down in the magazine.
write in
1. To cast a vote by inserting (a name not listed on a ballot).
2. To insert in a text or document: wrote in an apology at the end of the note.
3. To communicate with an organization by mail: write in with a completed entry form.
write off
1. Accounting To record (a worthless asset) as a loss.
2. Accounting To record (a loss or expense) as a reduction in earnings or in the value of an asset: wrote off business expenses when calculating taxable income.
3. To consider as a loss or failure: wrote off the rainy first day of the vacation.
4. To disregard as inconsequential: wrote off the singer as a novelty act.
write out
1. To express or compose in writing: write out a request.
2. To write in full or expanded form: All abbreviations are to be written out.
write up
1. To write a report or description of, as for publication.
2. Accounting To record an increased value for (an asset).
3. To report (someone) in writing, as for breaking the law: wrote him up for speeding.
4. To bring (a journal, for example) up to date.
write (one's) own ticket
To set one's own terms or course of action entirely according to one's own needs or wishes: an open-ended and generous scholarship that lets recipients write their own ticket.
write the book on
To be the preeminent practitioner of or expert in (something).
writ large
Signified, expressed, or embodied in a greater or more prominent magnitude or degree: "The man was no more than the boy writ large" (George Eliot).

[Middle English writen, from Old English wrītan.]
Word History: Every modern Indo-European language of Western Europe except English derives its verb for "to write" from Latin scrībere: French écrire, Spanish escribir, Portuguese escrever, Catalan escriure, Italian scrivere, Irish scríobh, Scottish Gaelic sgrìobh, Welsh ysgrifennu, Breton skriva, Icelandic skrifa, Danish and Norwegian skrive, Swedish skriva, German schreiben, and Dutch schrijven. The English verb write, however, comes from Old English wrītan, from the Germanic root *writ- that in turn comes from the Indo-European root *wreid- meaning "to cut, scratch, tear, sketch an outline." German still retains this meaning in its cognate verb reissen, "to tear." Only Old English employed wrītan to refer to writing—that is, scratching on parchment with a pen. English shows a similar contrariness in its verb read, being almost the only western European language not to derive that verb from Latin legere.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb, writes, writing, wrote or written
1. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) to draw or mark (symbols, words, etc) on a surface, usually paper, with a pen, pencil, or other instrument
2. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) to describe or record (ideas, experiences, etc) in writing
3. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) to compose (a letter) to or correspond regularly with (a person, organization, etc)
4. (Telecommunications) (tr; may take a clause as object) to say or communicate by letter: he wrote that he was on his way.
5. (Telecommunications) (tr) informal chiefly US and Canadian to send a letter to (a person, etc)
6. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) to write (words) in cursive as opposed to printed style
7. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) (tr) to be sufficiently familiar with (a specified style, language, etc) to use it in writing
8. (Literary & Literary Critical Terms) to be the author or composer of (books, music, etc)
9. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (tr) to fill in the details for (a document, form, etc)
10. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (tr) to draw up or draft
11. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (tr) to produce by writing: he wrote ten pages.
12. (tr) to show clearly: envy was written all over his face.
13. (tr) to spell, inscribe, or entitle
14. (tr) to ordain or prophesy: it is written.
15. (Education) (tr) to sit (an examination)
16. (intr) to produce writing as specified
17. (Computer Science) computing to record (data) in a location in a storage device. Compare read116
18. (Insurance) (tr) Compare underwrite3a
[Old English wrītan (originally: to scratch runes into bark); related to Old Frisian wrīta, Old Norse rīta, Old High German rīzan (German reissen to tear)]
ˈwritable adj
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



v. wrote, writ•ten, writ•ing. v.t.
1. to trace or form (characters, letters, words, etc.), esp. on paper, with a pen, pencil, or other instrument or means: Write your name on each page.
2. to express or communicate in writing: He wrote that he would be visiting soon.
3. to communicate with by letter or note: I write her every week.
4. to fill in the blank spaces of (a printed form) with writing: to write a check.
5. to execute or produce by setting down words, figures, etc.: to write two copies of a letter.
6. to produce as a written message: to write a thank-you note.
7. to be the author or originator of; compose: to write a sonnet.
8. to impress the marks or indications of: Honesty is written on his face.
9. to transfer (data, text, etc.) from computer memory to an output medium.
10. to underwrite.
11. to trace or form characters, words, etc., with a pen, pencil, or other instrument or means, or as a pen or the like does: He writes with a pen. My new pen writes beautifully.
12. to express ideas in writing.
13. to write a letter or letters, or communicate by letter: Write whenever you can.
14. to compose or work as a writer or author: to write for a living.
15. write down,
a. to set down in writing; record; note.
b. to direct one's writing to a less intelligent reader or audience: He writes down to the public.
16. write in,
a. to vote for (a candidate not listed on the ballot) by writing his or her name on the ballot.
b. to include in or add to a text by writing: Do not write in corrections on the galley.
c. to request something by mail: If interested, please write in for details.
17. write off,
a. to cancel (an unpaid or uncollectible debt).
b. to regard as worthless or irreparable; decide to forget: to write off a bad experience.
c. to amortize: The new equipment was written off in three years.
18. write out,
a. to put into writing.
b. to write in full form; state completely.
c. to exhaust the capacity or resources of (oneself) by excessive writing: another author who has written herself out.
19. write up,
a. to put into writing, esp. in full detail: Write up a report.
b. to present to public notice in a written description or account.
1. nothing (or something) to write home about, nothing (or something) worth one's notice: This place is nothing to write home about.
2. write the book, to be the originator or recognized authority: I'd trust their judgment about nuclear energy; they practically wrote the book.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English wrītan, c. Old Saxon wrītan to cut, write, Old High German rīzan, Old Norse rīta]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


- From Proto Germanic writanan, "tear, scratch."
See also related terms for outline.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: written
Gerund: writing

I write
you write
he/she/it writes
we write
you write
they write
I wrote
you wrote
he/she/it wrote
we wrote
you wrote
they wrote
Present Continuous
I am writing
you are writing
he/she/it is writing
we are writing
you are writing
they are writing
Present Perfect
I have written
you have written
he/she/it has written
we have written
you have written
they have written
Past Continuous
I was writing
you were writing
he/she/it was writing
we were writing
you were writing
they were writing
Past Perfect
I had written
you had written
he/she/it had written
we had written
you had written
they had written
I will write
you will write
he/she/it will write
we will write
you will write
they will write
Future Perfect
I will have written
you will have written
he/she/it will have written
we will have written
you will have written
they will have written
Future Continuous
I will be writing
you will be writing
he/she/it will be writing
we will be writing
you will be writing
they will be writing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been writing
you have been writing
he/she/it has been writing
we have been writing
you have been writing
they have been writing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been writing
you will have been writing
he/she/it will have been writing
we will have been writing
you will have been writing
they will have been writing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been writing
you had been writing
he/she/it had been writing
we had been writing
you had been writing
they had been writing
I would write
you would write
he/she/it would write
we would write
you would write
they would write
Past Conditional
I would have written
you would have written
he/she/it would have written
we would have written
you would have written
they would have written
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.write - produce a literary work; "She composed a poem"; "He wrote four novels"
authorship, penning, writing, composition - the act of creating written works; "writing was a form of therapy for him"; "it was a matter of disputed authorship"
draw - write a legal document or paper; "The deed was drawn in the lawyer's office"
create verbally - create with or from words
lyric - write lyrics for (a song)
write about, write of, write on - write about a particular topic; "Snow wrote about China"
profile - write about; "The author of this article profiles a famous painter"
paragraph - write paragraphs; work as a paragrapher
paragraph - write about in a paragraph; "All her friends were paragraphed in last Monday's paper"
write off - write something fluently, and without hesitation
dash off, fling off, scratch off, toss off, knock off - write quickly; "She dashed off a note to her husband saying she would not be home for supper"; "He scratched off a thank-you note to the hostess"
rewrite - rewrite so as to make fit to suit a new or different purpose; "re-write a play for use in schools"
write copy - write for commercial publications; "She writes copy for Harper's Bazaar"
dramatise, dramatize, adopt - put into dramatic form; "adopt a book for a screenplay"
draft, outline - draw up an outline or sketch for something; "draft a speech"
poetise, poetize, verse, versify - compose verses or put into verse; "He versified the ancient saga"
author - be the author of; "She authored this play"
annotate, footnote - add explanatory notes to or supply with critical comments; "The scholar annotated the early edition of a famous novel"
reference, cite - refer to; "he referenced his colleagues' work"
publish, write - have (one's written work) issued for publication; "How many books did Georges Simenon write?"; "She published 25 books during her long career"
write out, write up - put into writing; write in complete form; "write out a contract"
script - write a script for; "The playwright scripted the movie"
write out, write up - put into writing; write in complete form; "write out a contract"
2.write - communicate or express by writing; "Please write to me every week"
communicate, intercommunicate - transmit thoughts or feelings; "He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist"
write in - write to an organization; "Many listeners wrote in after the controversial radio program"
style - make consistent with certain rules of style; "style a manuscript"
apostrophise, apostrophize - use an apostrophe
rewrite - write differently; alter the writing of; "The student rewrote his thesis"
sign, subscribe - mark with one's signature; write one's name (on); "She signed the letter and sent it off"; "Please sign here"
type, typewrite - write by means of a keyboard with types; "type the acceptance letter, please"
handwrite - write by hand; "You should handwrite the note to your guests"
jot, jot down - write briefly or hurriedly; write a short note of
scribble, scrabble - write down quickly without much attention to detail
drop a line, write - communicate (with) in writing; "Write her soon, please!"
set down, write down, get down, put down - put down in writing; of texts, musical compositions, etc.
make out, write out, issue, cut - make out and issue; "write out a check"; "cut a ticket"; "Please make the check out to me"
write up - bring to public notice by writing, with praise or condemnation; "The New York Times wrote him up last week"; "Did your boss write you up?"
3.write - have (one's written work) issued for publication; "How many books did Georges Simenon write?"; "She published 25 books during her long career"
create verbally - create with or from words
indite, pen, write, compose - produce a literary work; "She composed a poem"; "He wrote four novels"
4.write - communicate (with) in writing; "Write her soon, please!"
write - communicate or express by writing; "Please write to me every week"
correspond - exchange messages; "My Russian pen pal and I have been corresponding for several years"
write - communicate by letter; "He wrote that he would be coming soon"
5.write - communicate by letter; "He wrote that he would be coming soon"
communicate, intercommunicate - transmit thoughts or feelings; "He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist"
drop a line, write - communicate (with) in writing; "Write her soon, please!"
6.write - write music; "Beethoven composed nine symphonies"
music - an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
create, make - make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"
counterpoint - write in counterpoint; "Bach perfected the art of counterpointing"
set to music - write (music) for (a text)
arrange, set - adapt for performance in a different way; "set this poem to music"
score - write a musical score for
melodise, melodize - supply a melody for
harmonise, harmonize - write a harmony for
instrumentate, instrument - write an instrumental score for
7.write - mark or trace on a surface; "The artist wrote Chinese characters on a big piece of white paper"; "Russian is written with the Cyrillic alphabet"
dot - make a dot or dots
trace, describe, draw, line, delineate - make a mark or lines on a surface; "draw a line"; "trace the outline of a figure in the sand"
stenograph - write in shorthand; "The students were able to stenograph and record the conversation"
calligraph - write beautifully and ornamentally
cross - trace a line through or across; "cross your `t'"
superscribe - write on the outside or upper part of; "superscribe an envelope"
superscribe - write on the top or outside; "superscribe one's name and address"
capitalise, capitalize - write in capital letters
letter - mark letters on or mark with letters
print - write as if with print; not cursive
scrawl, scribble - write carelessly
copy - copy down as is; "The students were made to copy the alphabet over and over"
print, impress - reproduce by printing
8.write - record data on a computer; "boot-up instructions are written on the hard disk"
computer science, computing - the branch of engineering science that studies (with the aid of computers) computable processes and structures
record, tape - register electronically; "They recorded her singing"
overwrite - write new data on top of existing data and thus erase the previously existing data; "overwrite that file"
9.write - write or name the letters that comprise the conventionally accepted form of (a word or part of a word); "He spelled the word wrong in this letter"
spell out - spell fully and without abbreviating; "Can you spell out your middle name instead of just giving the initial?"
hyphen, hyphenate - divide or connect with a hyphen; "hyphenate these words and names"
10.write - create code, write a computer program; "She writes code faster than anybody else"
create by mental act, create mentally - create mentally and abstractly rather than with one's hands
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


verb record, copy, scribble, take down, inscribe, set down, transcribe, jot down, put in writing, commit to paper, indite, put down in black and white Write your name and address at the top of the page.
1. compose, create, author, draft, pen, draw up She wrote articles for magazines in Paris.
2. correspond, get in touch, keep in touch, write a letter, drop a line, drop a note Why didn't you write and let me know you were coming?
write something or someone off disregard, ignore, dismiss, regard something or someone as finished, consider something or someone as unimportant He is fed up with people writing him off because of his age.
write something off
1. (Informal) wreck, total (slang), crash, destroy, trash (slang), smash up, damage beyond repair John's written off four cars. Now he sticks to public transport.
2. cancel, shelve, forget about, cross out, score out, give up for lost The President persuaded the West to write off Polish debts.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To form letters, characters, or words on a surface with an instrument:
2. To form by artistic effort:
3. To be the author of (a published work or works):
phrasal verb
write down
1. To register in or as if in a book:
2. To become or make less in price or value:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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[raɪt] (wrote (pt) (written (pp)))
1. (gen) [+ letter, book, essay, article] → escribir; [+ music, song] → escribir, componer
he's just written another novelacaba de escribir otra novela
write your name hereescribe or pon tu nombre aquí
how do you write his name?¿cómo se escribe su nombre?
he's got an essay to writetiene que escribir una redacción
she writes that she is very happy in her new lifedice en la carta que está muy contenta con su nueva vida
it is written thatestá escrito que ...
to write sb a chequehacer un cheque a algn, extender un cheque a algn (more frm)
to write a letter to sb; write sb a letterescribir (una carta) a algn
to write a note to/for sbescribir una nota a algn
to write sb a prescription; write a prescription for sbhacer una receta a algn
to have sth written all over one he had "policeman" written all over himse le notaba a la legua que era policía
his guilt was written all over himse le veía or notaba en la cara que era culpable
you're lying, it's written all over your face!estás mintiendo, se te nota a la legua or en la cara
2. (= write a letter to) (US) to write sbescribir a algn
3. (Comput) [+ program, software] → escribir
to write sth to diskpasar algo a un disco
1. (in longhand) → escribir
write on both sides of the paperescribe por los dos lados del papel
this pen writes wellesta pluma escribe muy bien
2. (= correspond) → escribir
she wrote to say that she'd be lateescribió para avisar que llegaría tarde
I am writing in reply to your advertisementles escribo en respuesta a su anuncio
I'll write for a catalogueescribiré pidiendo un catálogo
to write to sbescribir a algn
it's nothing to write home aboutno es nada del otro mundo
3. (as author, journalist) → escribir
he writes for a livingse gana la vida escribiendo
he writes about social policyescribe sobre política social
he writes for the "Times"escribe or colabora en el "Times"
he writes on foreign policy for the "Guardian"escribe sobre política internacional para el "Guardian"
write away VI + ADV to write away for sthescribir pidiendo algo
write back VI + ADV to write back to sbcontestar a algn
he wrote in April but I still haven't written backme escribió en abril pero aún no le he contestado
write down VT + ADV
1. (= note down) [+ address, number, details] → apuntar, anotar
2. (= decrease value of) [+ asset] → amortizar (por depreciación); [+ value] → depreciar; [+ goods] → rebajar el valor en libros
write in
A. VI + ADVescribir, mandar una carta
a lot of people have written in to complainmucha gente ha escrito or ha mandado cartas quejándose
to write in for sthescribir pidiendo algo
B. VT + ADV (= include) [+ word, item, part, scene] → añadir, agregar; [+ clause in contract] → incluir (US) (Pol) [+ candidate's name] → añadir a la lista oficial
write into VT + PREP
1. (Jur) → incluir en
to write sth into an agreement/contract (at the outset) → incluir algo en un acuerdo/contrato; (later) → añadir algo en un acuerdo/contrato
2. [+ character, scene, item] → incluir en
write off
A. VI + ADV to write off for [+ information, application form, details, goods] → escribir pidiendo
1. (Fin) [+ debt] → cancelar (por considerarla incobrable)
to write £1000 off for depreciationamortizar 1000 libras por depreciación
to write sth off against taxdesgravar algo de los impuestos
2. [+ vehicle] [insurer] → declarar siniestro total; [driver] → destrozar
the car had to be written offel coche fue declarado siniestro total
he has just written off his new caracaba de tener un accidente con el coche nuevo y ha quedado destrozado
3. (= reject) [+ idea, scheme] → desechar
to write sth off as a total lossconsiderar algo como totalmente perdido
I've written off the whole thing as a dead lossese asunto lo considero un fracaso que es mejor olvidar
it would be unwise to write off the former minister just yetsería prematuro considerar acabado al anterior ministro
many people wrote them off as cranksmucha gente los rechazó considerándolos unos chalados
4. (= write quickly) [+ letter, postcard] → escribir (rápidamente)
write out VT + ADV
1. (= put on paper) [+ word, name, speech, list] → escribir
2. (= make out) [+ cheque] → hacer, extender (more frm); [+ receipt] → hacer; [+ prescription] → escribir
3. (= copy) [+ notes, essay] → pasar en limpio, pasar a limpio (Sp); [+ recipe] → copiar
4. (of TV or radio series) [+ character, part] → suprimir
he was written out of the seriessuprimieron el papel que tenía en la serie, lo eliminaron de la serie
write up VT + ADV
1. (= make) [+ report] → redactar; [+ notes] → pasar en limpio, pasar a limpio (Sp); [+ diary] → poner al día
2. (= record) [+ experiment, one's findings, visit] → describir (por escrito)
3. (= report on) [+ event] → escribir una crónica sobre, hacer un reportaje sobre
she wrote it up for the local paperescribió una crónica or hizo un reportaje sobre ello en el periódico local
4. (= review) → escribir una reseña de, escribir una crítica de
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈraɪt] [wrote] (pt) [written] (pp)
[+ word, name, address] → écrire
She took a card out and wrote an address on it → Elle sortit une carte et écrivit une adresse dessus.
[+ book, poem, article, piece of music] → écrire
[+ letter, note] → écrire
to write a letter to sb, to write sb a letter → écrire une lettre à qn
to write sb a note → écrire un mot à qn
to write sb (US)écrire à qn
[+ cheque, receipt, prescription] → faire
He's learning to read and write → Il apprend à lire et à écrire.
(professionally, for publication)écrire
She writes for many papers → Elle écrit pour de nombreux journaux.
(= write a letter) → écrire
to write to sb → écrire à qn
I'm going to write to her in French → Je vais lui écrire en français.
to be nothing to write home about (= not interesting) → n'avoir rien d'extraordinaire
write away
viécrire une lettre
to write away for sth [+ information, goods] → écrire une lettre pour demander qch
write down
vt sepécrire
Can you write it down for me, please? → Vous pouvez me l'écrire, s'il vous plaît?
I wrote down the address
BUT J'ai noté l'adresse.
write in
vi (= send a letter) (to organization, company)écrire une lettre
You should write in and complain → Vous devriez écrire une lettre de réclamation.
write into
vt sep
to write sth into a contract → faire figurer qch dans un contrat
write off
vi (= send a letter) → écrire
to write off for sth [+ information] → écrire pour demander qch; [+ goods] → écrire pour demander qch
vt sep
[+ debt] → faire une croix sur
He had long since written off the money → Il avait fait une croix sur cet argent depuis longtemps., Il avait fait son deuil de cet argent depuis longtemps.
(= smash up) [+ car] → démolir complètement
(= dismiss) → mettre à l'index
People write him off because of his age → Les gens le mettent à l'index du fait de son âge.
(= not continue with) [+ plan, activity] → faire une croix sur
We decided to write off the rest of the day and go shopping → Nous avons décidé de faire une croix sur le reste de la journée et d'aller faire des emplettes.
write out
vt sep
[+ report, essay] → écrire
[+ cheque, receipt, prescription] → établir
write up
vt sep [+ minutes of meeting, report] → rédigerwrite-off [ˈraɪtɒf] n
(British) [vehicle]
The car is a write-off → La voiture est bonne pour la casse.
(= wasted time)
Today was a complete write-off → Ça a été une journée de perdue, aujourd'hui.write-protect [ˌraɪtprəˈtɛkt] vtprotéger contre l'écriture
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pret <wrote or (obs) writ> ptp <written or (obs) writ>
(also Comput) → schreiben; cheque, copyausstellen; notessich (dat)aufschreiben, sich (dat)machen; application formausfüllen; he wrote me a letterer schrieb mir einen Brief; he wrote himself a note so that he wouldn’t forgeter machte sich (dat)eine Notiz, um sich zu erinnern; he wrote five pageser schrieb fünf Seiten voll; print your name, don’t write itschreiben Sie Ihren Namen in Druckschrift, nicht in Schreibschrift; how is that written?wie schreibt man das?; to write something to disketw auf Diskette schreiben; it is written that … (old)es steht geschrieben, dass …; writ(ten) large (fig)verdeutlicht; (= on a larger scale)im Großen; it was written all over his facees stand ihm im or auf dem Gesicht geschrieben; he had “policeman” written all over himman sah ihm den Polizisten schon von Weitem an ? shorthand
(Insur) policyabschließen
CD, DVDbrennen
vischreiben; as I writewährend ich dies schreibe, …; to write to somebodyjdm schreiben; we write to each otherwir schreiben uns; I wrote to him to comeich habe ihm geschrieben, er solle kommen or dass er kommen solle; that’s nothing to write home about (inf)das ist nichts Weltbewegendes; I’ll write for it at onceich bestelle es sofort, ich fordere es gleich an; he has always wanted to writeer wollte immer (ein) Schriftsteller werden


n (US) → Stimmabgabe ffür einen nicht in der Liste aufgeführten Kandidaten
(= car etc)Totalschaden m; (inf: = holiday, picnic etc) → Katastrophe f (inf)
(Comm) → Abschreibung f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[raɪt] (wrote (pt) (written (pp)))
1. vtscrivere; (list) → compilare; (certificate) → redigere
she wrote that she'd arrive soon → scrisse che sarebbe arrivata presto
to write sb a letter → scrivere una lettera a qn
he's just written another novel → ha appena scritto un altro romanzo
how is his name written? → come si scrive il suo nome?
she wrote three pages → ha scritto tre pagine
his guilt was written all over his face → gli si leggeva in faccia che era colpevole
2. viscrivere
to write to sb → scrivere a qn
it's nothing to write home about (fam) → non è niente di speciale
I'll write for the catalogue → scriverò per farmi mandare il catalogo
to write for a paper → scrivere per un giornale
write away vi + adv to write away for (information) → richiedere per posta; (goods) → ordinare per posta
write back vi + advrispondere (con una lettera)
write down vt + adv (make a note of) → segnare, annotare; (put in writing) → mettere per iscritto
write in
1. vt + advinserire
2. vi + advscrivere
to write in for sth → scrivere per richiedere qc
write into vt + prepincludere in, scrivere in
write off
1. vi + adv = write away
2. vt + adv (debt) → estinguere; (scheme) → porre un termine a; (smash up, car) → distruggere
he was written off as useless (fig) → fu deciso che era un incompetente punto e basta
write out vt + adv (gen) → scrivere; (list, form) → compilare; (cheque) → fare; (copy, essay) → ricopiare
write up vt + adv (notes, diary) → aggiornare; (write report on, developments) → mettere per iscritto
she wrote the play up in the Glasgow Herald → ha scritto una recensione della commedia sul Glasgow Herald
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(rait) past tense wrote (rout) : past participle written (ˈritn) verb
1. to draw (letters or other forms of script) on a surface, especially with a pen or pencil on paper. They wrote their names on a sheet of paper; The child has learned to read and write; Please write in ink.
2. to compose the text of (a book, poem etc). She wrote a book on prehistoric monsters.
3. to compose a letter (and send it). He has written a letter to me about this matter; I'll write you a long letter about my holiday; I wrote to you last week.
ˈwriter noun
a person who writes, especially for a living. Dickens was a famous English writer; the writer of this letter.
ˈwriting noun
letters or other forms of script giving the written form of (a) language. the Chinese form of writing; I can't read your writing.
ˈwritings noun plural
the collected books, poems, correspondence etc of a particular (usually famous) person. the writings of Plato.
written (ˈritn) adjective
in writing. a written message.
ˈwriting-paper noun
paper for writing letters etc on. writing-paper and envelopes.
write down
to record in writing. She wrote down every word he said.
write out
to copy or record in writing. Write this exercise out in your neatest handwriting.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


يَكْتُبُ psát skrive schreiben γράφω escribir kirjoittaa écrire pisati scrivere 書く 글씨를 쓰다 schrijven skrive napisać escrever писать skriva เขียน yazmak viết
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


vi. escribir.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
In the preface to "Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz" I said I would like to write some stories that were not "Oz" stories, because I thought I had written about Oz long enough; but since that volume was published I have been fairly deluged with letters from children imploring me to "write more about Dorothy," and "more about Oz," and since I write only to please the children I shall try to respect their wishes.
Yet I am anxious to have you write and tell me how you like them.
He would write. He would be one of the eyes through which the world saw, one of the ears through which it heard, one of the hearts through which it felt.
He did not know how long an article he should write, but he counted the words in a double-page article in the Sunday supplement of the SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER, and guided himself by that.
I didn't know a soul who had written or who had ever tried to write. I didn't even know one reporter.
Now, when I am not only recalling them, but have actually decided to write an account of them, I want to try the experiment whether one can, even with oneself, be perfectly open and not take fright at the whole truth.
And perhaps that I purposely imagine an audience before me in order that I may be more dignified while I write. There are perhaps thousands of reasons.
Like ourselves, when we were tiny, they could neither read nor write. But do you think that they had no stories?
At length, after many years had passed, men began to write down these tales, so that they might not be forgotten.
It seemed incredible that there lived upon earth a full-grown man who had never spoken with a fellow man, and still more preposterous that such a one could read and write.
During this time, I succeeded in learning to read and write. In accomplishing this, I was compelled to re- sort to various stratagems.
The morning is the time to write. We are all--that is, those of us who sleep well--optimists in the morning.