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pl n
(Games, other than specified) (functioning as singular) Brit a game in which each player writes down a part of a story, folds over the paper, and passes it on to another player who continues the story. After several stages, the resulting (nonsensical) stories are read out
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



the devil to pay See PUNISHMENT.

domino theory The belief that if one of a cluster of small, neighboring countries is taken over by communism or some other political system the others will soon follow suit; the phenomenon of political chain reaction. This theory takes its name from the chain-reaction effect created when one in a line of standing dominoes topples, bringing the rest down, one after the other. The concept arose during the 1950s and was popular during the 60s as the expression most representative of the basis for American involvement in Southeast Asia at that time.

he that lieth with dogs riseth with fleas A person is known by the company he keeps; associate with riffraff and you’ll soon be one of them. This well-known proverb appeared as early as 1640 in George Herbert’s Jacula Prudentum.

pay the piper To bear the consequences of one’s actions or decisions; to pay the cost of some undertaking; to foot the bill. This expression probably alludes to the 13th-century legend of the Pied Piper of Hamelin in which the piper, upon being refused the payment promised for ridding the town of rats, played his pipe again; this time, however, it was the children who were led out of town to their deaths. Thus, the residents suffered the consequences of their decision, having “paid the piper” with their children’s lives. One source suggests that the derivation may be more literal, that is, it was customary to pay a piper or other street musician for the entertainment he supplied.

After all this dance he has led the nation, he must at last come to pay the piper himself. (Thomas Flatman, Heraclitis Ridens, 1681)

A common variation is pay the fiddler.

sow the wind and reap the whirlwind A proverb implying that if a person acts in a self-indulgent, hedonistic, or dissolute manner, he will have to suffer the calamitous consequences. This adage is Biblical in origin, appearing in Hosea 8:7 as a warning to the Israelites to emend their iniquitous ways. Sow the wind implies senseless or unproductive activity, while whirlwind alludes to a violent and destructive force, the fate of one who “sows the wind.”

stew in one’s own juice To suffer the unhappy consequences of one’s own unfortunate actions, to reap what one has sown; also to fry in one’s own grease. According to the OED, to fry in one’s own grease dates from the 14th century when it was applied to persons burned at the stake. The phrase appeared in the prologue to The Wife of Bath’s Tale by Chaucer:

In his own grease I made him fry, For anger, and for very jealousy.

To stew in one’s own juice, although the most popular form of the expression today, did not appear until approximately 300 years later. The equivalent French phrase is cuire dans son jus ‘to cook in one’s juice.’

Picturesque Expressions: A Thematic Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1980 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


n., pl. consecuencias, secuelas.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
I've known terrible consequences arise from the denial of a consent, not half as explicit as your own."
"Consequences!--may I ask, sir, to what consequences you allude?"
It is the other part of your offence, therefore, upon which I intend to admonish you, I mean the violation of your chastity;--a crime, however lightly it may be treated by debauched persons, very heinous in itself, and very dreadful in its consequences.
"And here its consequences may well be argued to be dreadful; for what can be more so, than to incur the divine displeasure, by the breach of the divine commands; and that in an instance against which the highest vengeance is specifically denounced?
Nobody knew what the fatal consequences of driving me out of England would be but myself -- and I was not listened to.
Nicholas varies the Monotony of Dothebys Hall by a most vigorous and remarkable proceeding, which leads to Consequences of some Importance
The subject speaks its own importance; comprehending in its consequences nothing less than the existence of the UNION, the safety and welfare of the parts of which it is composed, the fate of an empire in many respects the most interesting in the world.
It is also ridiculous to prevent this intercourse between the nearest relations, for no other reason than the violence of the pleasure, while they think that the relation of father and daughter, the brother and sister, is of no consequence at all.
Drawing is of no consequence; painting is of no consequence; perspective is of no consequence; ideas are of no consequence.
CA N'A AUCUNE CONSEQUENCE." Well content in this case to be of no particular consequence, I had already about me the elements of some worldly sense.
Judge Driscoll could be a freethinker and still hold his place in society because he was the person of most consequence to the community, and therefore could venture to go his own way and follow out his own notions.
She had a cultivated mind, and was, generally speaking, rational and consistent; but she had prejudices on the side of ancestry; she had a value for rank and consequence, which blinded her a little to the faults of those who possessed them.

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