

rare an official visitor
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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He served as abbot for the next 10 years until he resigned to be the visitator of the Spanish Province.
Yet both Millea as a visitator and the final report based on her findings have largely been hailed as positive.
After he became bishop in 2001, Tagle held positions like Apostolic Visitator of Seminaries in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands and joined synods of bishops in the Vatican and Asia.
And he was given a Vatican assignment as the apostolic visitator for Croatians, which meant he reported directly to Monsignor Giovanni Battista Montini," states an American document based on a report from the Italian police; the document was recently placed in evidence at the court in San Francisco where Gowen testified.
Father Dominic Clarke, also an Irish Capuchin, was accepted by Bishop Torreggiani about 1887, even though he had been described by a Capuchin visitator to the Irish Province in 1886 as being unwise and worldly.
When Cardinal Hugolino dei Segni, Protector of the Poor Ladies, tried to name Fra Philip Longo visitator to the Damianite communities in 1221, he quickly aroused Francis's anger.(10) Francis cursed Philip as an ulcerous tumor and destroyer of the Franciscan order.
"apostolic visitator" charged with visiting and surveying the multitude of separate orders of U.S.
In 2010, Tagle was appointed apostolic visitator of seminaries in Papua New Guinea and Solomon Islands.
Named archbishop; appointed apostolic visitator to Bulgaria.
In the eyes of the Vatican, and presumably Francis, Ezzati gained standing to become a cardinal by being apostolic visitator of the scandal-mired Legionaries of Christ, an order with a strong presence in Chile.