vision quest

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vision quest

A period of spiritual seeking among certain Native American peoples, often undertaken as a puberty rite, that typically involves isolation, fasting, and the inducement of a trance state for the purpose of attaining guidance or knowledge from supernatural forces.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
VISION QUEST: Europeans--from Monica Vitti to Marcello Mastroianni --understand the importance of sunglasses as style statement.
I was about to embark on a vision quest, my second one.
and Darryl Quidort, whom readers will likely recognize as the force behind previously released videos bearing the "Traditional Vision Quest" name.
Temagami, Ontario Vision Quest: A Journey to the Self.
Portraits of the ancestors, drawings of pottery shards, stone points, and vision quest sites, bone marrow and hide tanning recipes and excellent photographs of indigenous plants and animals round out this study of the Great Plains bison hunting culture.
Several themes emerge: the emphasis on individual autonomy; the role of a powerful being in shaping everyday events; the continued significance of the vision quest as a means of enlisting an animal helper; the manner in which aggression and drunkenness interact in culturally contextualized ways; the nature and role of dreaming, or what the Dene Tha call "journeys of the soul"; and strongly held beliefs surrounding reincarnation.
Meanwhile, in Alberta, a Canadian green power marketer called Vision Quest Windelectric, Inc.
The first is to devise our own highly individualized challenges, an approach Raphael likens to the vision quest practiced by various tribes of American Indians.
A good start is a 48-hour vision quest, ideally set up by a wise and experienced shaman like Alberto Villoldo, PhD.
Sparrow Hart, the founder of Circles of Air, Circles of Stone, undertook his first wilderness rite of passage in 1971, a five-month solo pilgrimage in the Cascades and Canadian Rockies, and enacted his first vision quest in 1980.
The whole "search for the three-eyed raven" vision quest will probably take place in season four, but perhaps we'll catch a glimpse of more weird magic from the Old Gods before that.