Visiting ant

(Zool.) See Driver ant, under Driver.

See also: Visiting

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
The ecological function of extrafloral nectaries: herbivore deterrence by visiting ants and reproductive output in Caryocar brasiliense (Caryocaraceae).
So, something beyond the amount of visiting ants determined the high degree of herbivory suffered by S.
Ant-plant interactions: absolute frequency as a better method to sample visiting ants in the extrafloral nectary-bearing plant, Qualea multiflora (Vochysiaceae).
Interaction between ants, extrafloral nectaries and insect herbivores in Neotropical coastal sand dunes: herbivore deterrence by visiting ants increases fruit set in Opuntia stricta (Cactaceae).
There is an association between the number of flower buttons produced and the number of visiting ants, which is intensified during April, July, October and November, and becomes weaker during the remaining months, which might respond to food offer and abiotic factors such as temperature and relative humidity.
But certain epiphytes, those wily plants that live on trees, derive much of their nutrients from visiting ants, a new study shows.
Interactions between ants, extrafloral nectaries, and insect herbivores in Neotropical sand dunes: herbivore deterrence by visiting ants increases fruit set in Opuntia stricta (Cactaceae).