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Adj.1.violet-blue - of blue tinged with lavender
chromatic - being or having or characterized by hue
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References in classic literature ?
--Also many large and small animals, and everything that hath light marvellous feet, so that it can run on violet-blue paths,--
To speak more strictly, they awoke before it was daylight; for a large lemon moon was only just setting in the forest of high grass above their heads, and the sky was of a vivid violet-blue, nocturnal but bright.
They settled down beside each other in the front seat and he was aware that her lovely eyes, so violet-blue and ivory-white, were studying him admiringly.
Her eyebrows and eyelashes were just a shade darker than her hair, and seemed made expressly for those violet-blue eyes, which assert their most irresistible charm when associated with a fair complexion.
The line of the sea looked frozen in the very vividness of its violet-blue, like the vein of a frozen finger.
Gary Ratway of Digging Dog Nursery in Albion ( or 707/937-1235) recommends tall, architectural, violet-blue Aster cordifolius 'Little Carlow', A.
Once the deep violet-blue flowers have gone the seed-heads turn dark brown and the stalks turn a light bronze.
The Geranium Pratense Summer Skies is a tall variety that shows off double violet-blue large flowers.
For stunning, vibrant colour, go for G Johnson's Blue, which looks fantastic planted en masse, producing a sea of violet-blue.
The name comes from the violet-blue laser used to read each disk.
The shoots arch to a height of 45cm (18in) or more as they spread while the flowers are larger and often darker violet-blue. There is a Variegata form with cream margins and Maculata has cream splashes in the centre of the leaf.