violent disorder

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.violent disorder - violently angry and destructive behaviorviolent disorder - violently angry and destructive behavior
disturbance - the act of disturbing something or someone; setting something in motion
wilding - an outrageous rampage usually involving sexual attacks by men on women
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References in periodicals archive ?
The men had been arrested following what Telford police confirmed as a violent disorder outside the Wrens Nest pub in Ketley on Saturday evening, that involved "a number of people".
The men had been arrested following what Telford police confirmed as violent disorder outside the Wrens Nest pub in Ketley on Saturday.
James Mongan, 35, was charged with violent disorder.
James Mongan, 35, was charged with violent disorder. Patrick Mongan, 32, was charged with violent disorder, driving while disqualified and driving with no insurance.
FOUR people were taken to hospital with head injuries following an alleged "violent disorder" on Saturday evening.
On Thursday morning, a 15-year-old girl was detained by officers on suspicion of violent disorder. On Wednesday evening, a 16-year-old boy was arrested on suspicion of the same offence.
Four people have been arrested afterarmed policeresponded to reports of weapons being used in a "violent disorder" inAsh.
Hayden Perryman, 25, an Aston Villa fan of Turf Pits Lane, Sutton Coldfield, pleaded guilty to violent disorder on April 13.
Brett Clarke, 40, of Winchester Drive, Solihull, was found guilty of violent disorder on October 5.
Theo Hall, Troy Wallace, Kalen Hall, Marshall Edwards-Pascal and Deontay Crosfield were facing charges of violent disorder, but pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of threatening behaviour.
He was released under investigation; | Two boys, both 15, were arrested on suspicion of violent disorder and both were released under investigation; | Two boys, both 16, held on suspicion of violent disorder and a breach of a criminal behaviour order.
Last Thursday, George Walder, 23, and Liam Neylon, 19, both from Croydon, were each convicted of two counts of violent disorder.

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