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n.1.A vial.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in classic literature ?
you, the Comte de la Fere, on the side of Broussel, Blancmesnil and Viole! For shame!
And now, I am a Frondeur -- not of Broussel's party, nor of Blancmesnil's, nor am I with Viole; but with the Duc de Beaufort, the Ducs de Bouillon and d'Elbeuf; with princes, not with presidents, councillors and low-born lawyers.
L'ancien chef du gouvernement, rappelle-t-on, plusieurs leaders politiques, des acteurs de la societe civile et des jeunes avaient converge vers le stade du 28 septembre ou ils ont ete encercles par les forces de l'ordre qui ont tire a balles reelles sur les manifestants, viole des filles et femmes sur les lieux de la manifestation.
use off or m the ex th are rep viole since | Arfon Jones Mr Jones said there had been 35% reduction in repeat domestic violence offences he took office.
Le lendemain, Islamabad a annonce, de son cote, avoir abattu deux avions indiens qui avaient viole son espace aerien, arrete le pilote de l'un d'eux tombe au Cachemire pakistanais et promis de repondre [beaucoup moins que]a l'heure et a l'endroit de son choix[beaucoup plus grand que] a cette [beaucoup moins que]agression intempestive[beaucoup plus grand que].
Waweru, who made the announcement while releasing this year's calendar of events, disclosed that the number of women for their championship that goes down after the men's event in the other Russian city of Ulan Viole will be decided later."Taking full team for the men's event will depend on funds available and on the slots Kenya is likely to be given by AIBA," said Waweru.
The death comes amid heightenedened viole fears that a phased smoking ban being rolled out across the UK would spark surges in violent attacks behind bars.
Abstract: Il saggio esamina la famosa immagine delle rose e delle viole in apertura de Il sabato del villaggio di Leopardi.
Le president de la Republique, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, a exprime, hier, la condamnation par l'Algerie du coup de force en Turquie qui viole l'ordre constitutionnel ainsi que sa solidarite et son soutien a ce pays, dans un message adresse au president turc, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
looking for be the mos outcome," s chooses to s in a very viole Over six gri we'll see Crom with tasks su King out of to Catherine (Joanne Wh can ma (Clair produ Over six gripping episodes, we'll see Cromwell challenged with tasks such as getting the King out of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon (Joanne Whalley) so that hecan marry Anne Boleyn (Claire Foy) and try to produce a male heir.

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