vacuum distillation

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vacuum distillation

(General Physics) distillation in which the liquid distilled is enclosed at a low pressure in order to reduce its boiling point
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They started comprehensive testing of the CDU / VDU-6 unit with the vacuum distillation unit of the visbreaking residue was at the TATNEFT's TANECO Oil Refining Complex and received the first batch of straight-run gasoline.
This is achieved via a vacuum distillation process which follows an initial polyaddition, where the residual monomeric diisocyanate is removed from the final prepolymer.
SRIP adds five new units, thus improving Sohar refinery's ability to process heavier Omani crude oil including crude distillation unit (CDU), vacuum distillation unit (VDU), delayed coker unit (DCU), hydrocracker unit (HCU) and bitumen blowing unit, said a statement from Orpic.
Announcing its contract win in December 2017, Technip FMC said that the project includes the development of Sitra refinery covers the residue hydrocracking, hydrocracker, hydro desulphurisation, crude distillation, vacuum distillation, hydrogen production and recovery, and sulphur recovery units, among others.
The company said this major EPC contract covers the debottlenecking of existing units, the delivery of new units including a Crude and Vacuum Distillation Unit, a hydrogen production facility based on the company's steam reforming technology, as well as various process units, interconnecting, offsites and utilities.
As for the project for transfer of the primary oil processing unit together with atmospheric and vacuum distillation units (ELOU-AVT) from the former Azneftyag refinery, Ahmadov said that the corresponding agreement will be signed after completing the ongoing tender procedure.
This EPC contract covers the debottlenecking of existing units as well as the delivery of new units including a Crude Distillation Unit, a Vacuum Distillation Unit, a hydrogen production facility based on our steam reforming technology, as well as various process units, interconnecting, offsites and utilities.
The patented Vacuum Distillation method gives a shorter distillation time and lower temperatures during distillation.
TEHRAN (FNA)- Four units of Bandar Abbas Refinery, including the atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit, Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Unit, sour water purification unit and Merox Unit, were successfully overhauled by Iranian experts.
Zanardi says REDUC should have been able to resume full operations within about 72 hours, but a gasoil fire caused by a leak in the wake of the shutdown destroyed a control panel in a vacuum distillation tower.
German company H2O GmbH, a leading producer of vacuum distillation systems for the treatment of industrial wastewater, has received endorsement from manufacturer Thermofin for its Vacudest vacuum distillation systems.