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 (văk′yo͞o-ō-lā′tĭd) also vac·u·o·late (-lāt′, -lĭt)
Containing vacuoles or a vacuole.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.vacuolated - formed into or containing one or more vacuoles or small membrane-bound cavities within a cellvacuolated - formed into or containing one or more vacuoles or small membrane-bound cavities within a cell
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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Hydropic Degeneration: Vacuolated swelling of the cytoplasm of renal cells of the NPs-treated rats was seen in the renal tissues of all rats subjected to Ti[O.sub.2] NPs with variable impacts in respect to dose and exposure duration (Fig.
A shave biopsy of one of the lesions was performed that showed a proliferation of nests of basaloid cells on the dermis with palisading and rare vacuolated clear cell change.
In Lobatus gigas, there are two types of secretory cells: pyramidal (or crypt) cells that are short, cone-shaped, and present in small groups, and vacuolated cells are taller and have vacuolated cytoplasm (Gros et al.
(3) The common characteristic of these lesions is the presence of vacuolated or foamy macrophages.
In kidney, extensive haemorrhages, polymorphic nephritic tubules, fibrosis around the inflamed nephritic tubules, constricted nephritic tubules with vacuolated surrounding, degeneration of nephritic tubular epithelium (Figure 2a), vacuolation in haematopoietic tissue, cellular and nuclear hypertrophy, degeneration of tubular epithelium (Figure 2b), nephritic tubule inflammation, widen lumen and thickening of luminal lining (Figure 2c) and granuloma formation (Figure 2d) were observed.
The round stromal cells mostly had slightly eosinophilic cytoplasm with some showing a more vacuolated or foamy appearance.
Hematoxylin and eosin (H & E)-stained sections demonstrate numerous vacuolated areas (arrows) surrounded by a diffuse, mixed inflammatory infiltrate (A; original magnification x20) and numerous epithelioid histiocytes with small, circular yeast cells (arrows), characteristic of H capsulatum (B; original magnification x 40).
The histological sections showed moderate cellularity consisting of irregular clusters and cords of oval to polygonal epithelioid cells embedded in a mucinous and vacuolated stroma (Figure 2A).
The histopathological features showed presence of mucous cells, vacuolated cells, spongiosis, micro-abscesses, cholesterol crystals, hemosiderin and inflammatory infiltrate.
Histologically, MNH has nodular or lobulated architecture with two main cell subpopulations: one type consists of polygonal cells with round nuclei and vacuolated cytoplasm as a result of abundant glycogen, while the second type of cells is characterised by oval nuclei and dark basophilic cytoplasm with infiltrative or invasive growth patterns into the dermis and surrounding tissues.

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