turf war

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turf war

1. a dispute between criminals or gangs over the right to operate within a particular area
2. any dispute in which one party seeks to obtain increased rights or influence
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.turf war - a bitter struggle for territory or power or control or rightsturf war - a bitter struggle for territory or power or control or rights; "a turf war erupted between street gangs"; "the president's resignation was the result of a turf war with the board of directors"
conflict, struggle, battle - an open clash between two opposing groups (or individuals); "the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph"--Thomas Paine; "police tried to control the battle between the pro- and anti-abortion mobs"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
Tech companies, of course, have explored new markets and fought turf battles over them for years.
Bloody turf battles among increasingly splintered criminal cartels have left more than 40,000 people missing in the past two decades, as well as around 26,000 unidentified corpses in over 1,100 mass graves, according to official data.
"While most of these homicides appeared to be targeted, criminal organization assassinations, turf battles between criminal groups have resulted in violent crime in areas frequented by U.S.
The State Department has warned of "turf battles" and assassinations ordered by criminal organisations.
One thing we need to refocus on is forging national consensus on key security and policy issues more than fighting over the turf battles. It is doable, has been done in the past, and it can be done even now.
Past experience has taught us that political turf battles and creating rent-seeking opportunities for private-sector allies will take precedence over solving Karachi's problems.
"While most of these homicides appeared to be targeted criminal organization assassinations, turf battles between criminal groups have resulted in violent crime in areas frequented by U.S.
He'll know nothing of the Lane Metro Partnership's history, personalities and turf battles. Wimbish will have a fresh view of the area's potential - and for now, at least, the support of local government partners willing to act as a single region united by common interests.
The trouble - including the killings of Lewis Dunne and Mark Hillman - is causing growing concern among police chiefs who believe the loss of a "controlling influence" has sparked turf battles between rival drugs gangs.
The area is among the prime drug-producing regions in Mexico and has been the scene of turf battles between drug gangs.
But MPs should also remember that an Opposition has a crucial role to play in a parliamentary democracy and that this is no time for self-indulgent factionalism and the type of ideological turf battles that rocked the party in the 1980s.
Although Dowding's military career subsequently stalled -- partly the result of turf battles with too many jealous enemies -- a plaque honoring him at Bentley Priory, his last headquarters, reads: To him the people of Britain and of the free world owe largely the way of life and the liberties that they enjoy today.