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Related to agreement: Partnership agreement


a. The act of agreeing: When did the agreement take place?
b. Harmony of opinion; accord: Since we are all in agreement, let's proceed.
2. An arrangement between parties, usually resulting from a discussion, regarding a course of action.
3. Law
a. A properly executed and legally binding contract.
b. The writing or document embodying this contract.
4. Grammar Correspondence in gender, number, case, or person between words.
Synonyms: agreement, bargain, compact2, covenant, deal1, pact
These nouns denote an understanding between parties specifying what is expected of each: made an agreement that I would replace any of the items I lost or damaged; kept my end of the bargain and mowed the lawn; made a compact to correspond regularly; vows that constituted a covenant between the marriage partners; made a deal that if her parents got a new dog, she would walk it; a solemn pact to support each other in times of trouble.
Our Living Language Sometimes vernacular varieties of English do not conform to the standard pattern of subject-verb agreement, such as in the constructions She walk, People goes, and Pat and Terry likes the new movie. The standard pattern requires an -s ending on present-tense verbs with third-person singular subjects (such as the teacher or he/she/it) and no ending on verbs with any other kind of subject. Speakers who do not follow this pattern smooth out this irregularity by using -s endings for all persons and numbers (I/you/she/we/they walks) or by using no inflection at all (I/you/she/we/they go). The regularization of agreement patterns is not confined to today's vernacular dialect speakers. Subject-verb agreement has become progressively simpler throughout the development of English. In older varieties of English, all verbs took endings for person and number in both present and past tense. Vernacular speakers who use patterns such as she go or the students walks are carrying on the historic tradition of simplifying agreement patterns. See Note at be
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. the act of agreeing
2. a settlement, esp one that is legally enforceable; covenant; treaty
3. a contract or document containing such a settlement
4. the state of being of the same opinion; concord; harmony
5. the state of being similar or consistent; correspondence; conformity
6. (Grammar) grammar Also called: concord the determination of the inflectional form of one word by some grammatical feature, such as number or gender, of another word, esp one in the same sentence
7. (Industrial Relations & HR Terms) See collective agreement, national agreement
[C14: from Old French]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(əˈgri mənt)

1. the act of agreeing or of coming to a mutual arrangement.
2. the state of being in accord.
3. an arrangement that is accepted by all parties to a transaction.
4. a contract or other document delineating such an arrangement.
5. correspondence in grammatical case, number, gender, person, etc., between syntactically connected words.
[1375–1425; late Middle English < Middle French]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


an agreement or correspondence in particular features between things otherwise dissimilar; in literature, the basis for metaphor and simile. — analogie, analogical, adj.
one chosen to settle a controversy; an umpire or arbitrator.
a female arbiter.
a temporary cessation of hostilities, by agreement between the belligerents, prior to the negotiation or signing of a peace treaty.
the process of conciliating or bringing to agreement. — conciliator, n.
a correspondence in physical structure or thought; harmony. Also congruity. — congruent, adj.
the process of concurring or agreeing. See also chance.
agreement, consistency.
a frank exchange of ideas, spoken or written, for the purpose of meeting in harmony.
equalness of force, validity, etc. See also logic. — equipollent, adj.
1. the state or period of being indentured or apprenticed; apprenticeship.
2. the state or period of being a servant bound to service for a specified time in return for passage to a colony.
the act or process of conferring or discussing to reach agreement in matters of business or state. See also trade. — negotiant, negotiator, negotriatrix, n.
a point, feature, or detail in which two items are alike.
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.




  1. About as far apart as an atheist and a born-again Christian —Anon
  2. Acquiesced like an old man acquiescing in death —Wilfrid Sheed
  3. (Nobody can be as) agreeable as an uninvited guest —Frank McKinney

    Humorists like McKinney are notable phrase converters. This simile may be a case in point, evolving from William Wordsworth’s sonnet To a Snowdrop which describes a flower bending its forehead “As if fearful to offend, like an unbidden guest.”

    See Also: BEHAVIOR

  4. Agree like a finger and a thumb —Anon
  5. Agree like two cats in a gutter —John Heywood’s Proverbs
  6. Agree like cats and dogs —John Ray’s Proverbs

    This sarcastic twist to the more commonly used “Fight like cats and dogs” dates back to the nineteenth century.

  7. Agree like pickpockets in a fair —John Ray’s Proverbs
  8. Agree like the clocks of London —Richard Brinsley Sheridan
  9. As coals are to burning coals, and wood to fire, so is a contentious man to kindle strife —The Holy Bible/Proverbs
  10. As far apart as the atheists who claim there is no soul, and the Christian Scientists who declare there is no body —Anon
  11. Co-operate about as much as two tomcats on a fence —Raymond Chandler
  12. Far apart as the poles —Anon
  13. Flock together in consent, like so many wild geese —William Shakespeare
  14. Like the course of the heavenly bodies, harmony in national life is a resultant of the struggle between contending forces —Judge Louis D. Brandeis
  15. Sentiments as equal as if weighed on a golden scale —Janet Flanner
  16. We are made for cooperation, like feet, like hands, like eyelids, like the row of the upper and lower teeth. To act against one another is contrary to nature —Marcus Aurelius
Similes Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1988 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.



Lamourette’s kiss A short-lived reconciliation, particularly one that is made insincerely; an ephemeral rapprochement; subterfuge; shrewd or cunning deceit. The Lamourette in this expression was Abbé Lamourette, a French politician who, on July 7, 1792, convinced the many discordant factions of the Legislative Assembly of France to lay aside their differences and work together for the common good. After much demonstration and protestation of peace-making, the legislators soon lapsed into their former hostilities, but with even more animosity and rancor than before. Since that time, the expression has been used figuratively, usually in reference to transitory or disingenuous political agreements.

make no bones about See CANDIDNESS.

package deal An agreement or settlement in which all of the conditions must be either accepted or rejected; an all-or-nothing arrangement or plan which involves the acceptance of one or more negative elements as a requisite to achieving a generally favorable goal. Originally, a package deal was a group of goods which were wrapped in one package and sold at a bargain tprice, one lower than the combined cost of purchasing each item separately. Although this connotation is still retained, package deal usually refers to a political or industrial pact which contains several related or unrelated provisions, all of which must be accepted or rejected as a unit. Package deal has also enjoyed some jocular use, often in reference to a person ’s spouse or family.

strike a bargain To conclude a bargain or other deal; to settle or arrange the terms of a transaction; to agree on a compromise or other settlement. This expression alludes to the ancient Greek and Roman custom of sealing a business contract by striking (i.e., killing) an animal and offering it as a sacrifice to their deities. Although this tradition is long since gone, the expression persists.

As soon as the bargain is struck, the property of the goods is transferred to the vendee. (Sir William Blackstone, Commentary on the Laws of England, 1766)

With the demise of sacrificial offerings, it became customary in many societies to seal an agreement by shaking or striking hands, thus the related and synonymous strike hands.

Picturesque Expressions: A Thematic Dictionary, 1st Edition. © 1980 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.agreement - the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promisesagreement - the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises; "they had an agreement that they would not interfere in each other's business"; "there was an understanding between management and the workers"
conspiracy, confederacy - a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act
fair-trade agreement - an agreement (illegal in the United States) between the manufacturer of a trademarked item of merchandise and its retail distributors to sell the item at a price at or above the price set by the manufacturer
covenant - (Bible) an agreement between God and his people in which God makes certain promises and requires certain behavior from them in return
unilateral contract - a one-sided agreement whereby you promise to do (or refrain from doing) something in return for a performance (not a promise)
sales agreement, sale - an agreement (or contract) in which property is transferred from the seller (vendor) to the buyer (vendee) for a fixed price in money (paid or agreed to be paid by the buyer); "the salesman faxed the sales agreement to his home office"
statement - a message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc; "according to his statement he was in London on that day"
term, condition - (usually plural) a statement of what is required as part of an agreement; "the contract set out the conditions of the lease"; "the terms of the treaty were generous"
bargain, deal - an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each; "he made a bargain with the devil"; "he rose to prominence through a series of shady deals"
working agreement - an informal agreement to work together
gentlemen's agreement - a personal agreement based on honor and not legally binding
written agreement - a legal document summarizing the agreement between parties
submission - an agreement between parties in a dispute to abide by the decision of an arbiter
entente, entente cordiale - a friendly understanding between political powers
oral contract - an agreement that is not in writing and is not signed by the parties but is a real existing contract that lacks only the formal requirement of a memorandum to render it enforceable in litigation
reservation - the written record or promise of an arrangement by which accommodations are secured in advance
settlement - a conclusive resolution of a matter and disposition of it
severance agreement - an agreement on the terms on which an employee will leave
suicide pact - an agreement by two or more people to commit suicide together at a given place and time; "the two lovers killed themselves in a suicide pact"
2.agreement - compatibility of observations; "there was no agreement between theory and measurement"; "the results of two tests were in correspondence"
compatibility - capability of existing or performing in harmonious or congenial combination
conformance, conformity - correspondence in form or appearance
3.agreement - harmony of people's opinions or actions or charactersagreement - harmony of people's opinions or actions or characters; "the two parties were in agreement"
concordance, concord, harmony - a harmonious state of things in general and of their properties (as of colors and sounds); congruity of parts with one another and with the whole
community of interests, community - agreement as to goals; "the preachers and the bootleggers found they had a community of interests"
meeting of minds, concurrence - a state of cooperation
consensus - agreement in the judgment or opinion reached by a group as a whole; "the lack of consensus reflected differences in theoretical positions"; "those rights and obligations are based on an unstated consensus"
sense of the meeting - general agreement reached by an assembled group; "no vote was taken, but after each discussion the chair summed up the sense of the meeting"
unanimity - everyone being of one mind
unison - corresponding exactly; "marching in unison"
social contract - an implicit agreement among people that results in the organization of society; individual surrenders liberty in return for protection
disagreement, dissonance, dissension - a conflict of people's opinions or actions or characters
4.agreement - the thing arranged or agreed toagreement - the thing arranged or agreed to; "they made arrangements to meet in Chicago"
planning, preparation, provision - the cognitive process of thinking about what you will do in the event of something happening; "his planning for retirement was hindered by several uncertainties"
collusion - secret agreement
prearrangement - something arranged in advance
5.agreement - the determination of grammatical inflection on the basis of word relations
grammatical relation - a linguistic relation established by grammar
number agreement - agreement in number between words in the same grammatical construction (e.g., between adjectives and the nouns they modify)
person agreement - agreement in person between pronouns and verbs
case agreement - agreement in grammatical case between words in the same construction
gender agreement - agreement in grammatical gender between words in the same construction
6.agreement - the verbal act of agreeingagreement - the verbal act of agreeing    
speech act - the use of language to perform some act
assent, acquiescence - agreement with a statement or proposal to do something; "he gave his assent eagerly"; "a murmur of acquiescence from the assembly"
concurrence, concurrency - agreement of results or opinions
accordance, accord, conformity - concurrence of opinion; "we are in accord with your proposal"
connivance, collusion - agreement on a secret plot
assenting, accession - agreeing with or consenting to (often unwillingly); "accession to such demands would set a dangerous precedent"; "assenting to the Congressional determination"
subscription - agreement expressed by (or as if expressed by) signing your name
ratification, confirmation - making something valid by formally ratifying or confirming it; "the ratification of the treaty"; "confirmation of the appointment"
concordance, harmony, concord - agreement of opinions
secondment, endorsement, indorsement, second - a speech seconding a motion; "do I hear a second?"
concession - a point conceded or yielded; "they won all the concessions they asked for"
disagreement - the speech act of disagreeing or arguing or disputing
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. The act or process of accepting:
Informal: OK.
3. Harmonious mutual understanding:
4. An act or state of agreeing between parties regarding a course of action:
5. A legally binding arrangement between parties:
6. A formal, usually written settlement between nations:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
samkomulag, samlyndisamningur, samkomulag
anlaşmaaynı fikri paylaşmakontratmukavele
sự thỏa thuận


[əˈgriːmənt] N
1. (= understanding, arrangement) → acuerdo m; (= consent) → consentimiento m; (= treaty etc) → acuerdo m, pacto m (Comm) → contrato m
to come to or reach an agreementllegar a un acuerdo
to enter into an agreementfirmar un contrato
to enter into an agreement to do sthfirmar un contrato para hacer algo
by mutual agreementpor acuerdo mutuo, de común acuerdo
see also gentleman
2. (= shared opinion) → acuerdo m
he nodded in agreement; he nodded his agreementasintió con la cabeza
to be in agreement on a planestar conformes en un proyecto
to be in agreement with [+ person] → estar de acuerdo con; [+ decision] → estar de acuerdo con, estar conforme con; (= consistent with) → concordar con, estar en concordancia con
3. (Gram) → concordancia f
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[əˈgriːmənt] n
(= concurrence) → accord m
Write to your GP to get his agreement → Écrivez à votre médecin généraliste pour obtenir son accord.
to be in agreement → être d'accord
The talks ended in agreement on most issues → À la fin des discussions tout le monde était d'accord sur la plupart des questions.
to nod one's head in agreement → acquiescer d'un signe de tête
to be in agreement with sb/sth → être d'accord avec qn/qch
Everybody was in agreement with Ray → Tout le monde était d'accord avec Ray.
by mutual agreement → d'un commun accord
to reach agreement → tomber d'accord
(= treaty) → accord m
an agreement on sth → un accord sur qch
to reach an agreement → parvenir à un accord
(GRAMMAR)accord m
the agreement between the noun and the adjective → l'accord du nom avec l'adjectif
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= understanding, arrangement)Abmachung f, → Übereinkunft f; (= treaty, contract)Abkommen nt, → Vertrag m; to break the terms of an agreementdie Vertragsbestimmungen verletzen; to enter into an agreement (with somebody)(mit jdm) einen Vertrag eingehen or (ab)schließen; to reach (an) agreement (with somebody)(mit jdm) zu einer Einigung kommen, (mit jdm) Übereinstimmung erzielen; there’s a tacit agreement in the office that …im Büro besteht die stillschweigende Übereinkunft, dass …; we have an agreement whereby if I’m home first …wir haben abgemacht, dass, wenn ich zuerst nach Hause komme, …
(= sharing of opinion)Einigkeit f; unanimous agreementEinmütigkeit f; by mutual agreementin gegenseitigem Einverständnis or Einvernehmen; to be in agreement with somebodymit jdm einer Meinung sein; to be in agreement with somethingmit etw übereinstimmen; to be in agreement about somethingüber etw (acc)einig sein; for once we were both in agreement on that pointausnahmsweise waren wir uns in diesem Punkt einig or waren wir in diesem Punkt einer Meinung; to find oneself in agreement with somebodymit jdm übereinstimmen or einiggehen
(= consent)Einwilligung f(to zu), Zustimmung f(to zu)
(between figures, accounts etc) → Übereinstimmung f
(Gram) → Übereinstimmung f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[əˈgriːmənt] n (gen) → accordo; (consent) → consenso
by mutual agreement → di comune accordo
to come to an agreement → venire a un accordo, accordarsi
in agreement → d'accordo
to be in agreement with sb → essere or trovarsi d'accordo con qn
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(əˈgriː) past tense, past participle aˈgreed verb
1. (often with with) to think or say the same (as). I agreed with them that we should try again; The newspaper report does not agree with what he told us.
2. to say that one will do or allow something. He agreed to go; He agreed to our request.
3. (with with) to be good for (usually one's health). Cheese does not agree with me.
4. to be happy and friendly together. John and his wife don't agree.
aˈgreeable adjective
pleasant. She is a most agreeable person.
aˈgreeably adverb
aˈgreement noun
1. the state of agreeing. We are all in agreement.
2. a business, political etc arrangement, spoken or written. You have broken our agreement; We have signed an agreement.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


اِتِّفَاق dohoda aftale Vereinbarung συμφωνία acuerdo sopimus accord dogovor contratto 同意 동의 overeenkomst avtale porozumienie acordo соглашение avtal ข้อตกลง anlaşma sự thỏa thuận 协议
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. acuerdo, pacto, consolidación, ajustamiento;
to come to an ___llegar a un acuerdo; acordar.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
Petersburg, to negotiate in his name as president of the American Fur Company, had, under sanction of the Russian government, made a provisional agreement with the Russian company.
Socrates proceeds:--Suppose the Laws of Athens to come and remonstrate with him: they will ask 'Why does he seek to overturn them?' and if he replies, they have injured him,' will not the Laws answer, 'Yes, but was that the agreement? Has he any objection to make to them which would justify him in overturning them?
The agreement as to the sharing of the profits was drawn up, it is true, by me, but at that time he made no word of complaint.
And I trust that both 'His Excellency' and 'Her Excellency' will observe the Agreement I have drawn up.
For an hour or two I was even staggered in my resolution of marrying him, and though this was too idle and nonsensical an idea to remain long on my mind, I do not feel very eager for the conclusion of my marriage, nor look forward with much impatience to the time when Reginald, according to our agreement, is to be in town.
Finally, they labour everywhere for the union and agreement of the democratic parties of all countries.
With dim lights and tangled circumstance they tried to shape their thought and deed in noble agreement; but after all, to common eyes their struggles seemed mere inconsistency and formlessness; for these later-born Theresas were helped by no coherent social faith and order which could perform the function of knowledge for the ardently willing soul.
"Well, in that, at least, you're in agreement with Spencer, whom you dislike so much.
In consequence of an agreement between the sisters, Elizabeth wrote the next morning to their mother, to beg that the carriage might be sent for them in the course of the day.
Conway spoke of this agreement, I met him one day, walking slowly down Montgomery street, apparently, from his abstracted air, in deep thought.
This agreement, which was to remain in force for seventeen years, was a master-stroke of diplomacy on the part of the Bell Company.
The entanglement remained for some time a secret, kept hidden by my cunning precautions, until I perceived that a certain expansion of waist in Antonomasia must before long disclose it, the dread of which made us all there take counsel together, and it was agreed that before the mischief came to light, Don Clavijo should demand Antonomasia as his wife before the Vicar, in virtue of an agreement to marry him made by the princess, and drafted by my wit in such binding terms that the might of Samson could not have broken it.